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Looking Around with Lee – My Favorite Things

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224 – The Annual, 2018-19

By Lee Canalizo

I have had a lifelong obsession for German Shepherd Dogs and Sighthounds. Now, I would like to share my experiences living with each breed, and, sometimes, both at the same time!

I was born into a family that had a German Shepherd named Prince and, believe it or not, I remember him clearly from my infancy until about two years of age. He imprinted me with a love for the breed that took many years for me to actually be able to respond to in some meaningful way.

Oddly enough Sighthounds (Afghans and Salukis, in particular) were the breeds that I was very actively involved with by breeding and exhibiting them successfully. When the time for running around the ring and driving around the country wore down, I began to judge the above mentioned Sighthounds. This was a gratifying endeavor but the Shepherds were always on my mind. I jumped into the ring with them as a judge, never having bred or shown them. Happily, I was very well-accepted as a GSD judge. Still, for many years, I was Shepherd-less due to traveling for judging and, also, due to my husband’s decree!

During a very sad time of my life–the loss of my husband Jim–it became obvious that this was the opportunity for my long-time wish to come to fruition! My good friend Jim Moses came to mind, as he knew that I had been waiting for the right time to bring a GSD into my life and home. Well, that was almost fifteen years ago and my first boy, Silver, became the Emperor of the house. He was a baby when I brought him home and eleven when we had to say goodbye. He was and still is the finest dog I have ever owned.

Skip to the present and I am the best friend of Luke, a beautiful son of a Grand Victor that, due to unforeseen circumstances, needed to be rehomed but was in very dire condition. Thanks to Jim Moses and Kent Boyles, he came to me three years ago. After lots of work, love, and vet care, he is a wonderful pal to me and the best companion ever.

After sixty years of living with Afghans, Salukis, and Shepherds, the comparisons are great! The Afghans are so self-aware. In their mind, they come first… Not so with the GSDs! With Shepherds, you always come first! They know what I’m thinking almost before I do. The Afs, on the other hand, couldn’t care less in most in- stances. And then there is Obedience to take into consideration. Sighthounds, “What’s that?” Herding breeds, “Of course! Right away, master!”

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224 – The Annual, 2018-19

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