Let’s Put Some ‘Fun’ Back Into Fun Matches
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By William Given
Fun matches and sanctioned A and B matches serve a number of useful purposes. Matches provide valuable ring experience for both exhibitor and the puppy or young dog. It seems the older I get, the more I understand and appreciate the value of being able to go to a match with a puppy or dog new to the ring. Seriously, we get to go through all of the motions of a point show without the pressure and expense.
For the judge, matches provide a quality learning opportunity. It is at matches that judges gain experience en route to submitting their application to the American Kennel Club for licensure or for additional breeds for those who are already licensed judges. And, for the match-giving club, they serve as a practice field for the real thing, and they are actually required to be held before being licensed to hold a regular show. This is an indication of the importance the American Kennel Club places on matches.
There is, I guess, the ever-present danger that an exhibitor or judge may become carried away with the “dog show” atmosphere and forget about the fun they are suppose to have at a fun match, or sanctioned match for that matter. We should feel good for the exhibitor who has a good win at their first match and then carries on about it as if they had just won Best In Show at Westminster.
A matter of attitude
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