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How to deal with Anti- and Non-Hunters

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154 – October,2015

by Chris Robinson

As many sporting, hound, terrier and even a few Poodle owners decide they owe it to their dogs to give them the opportunity to do what the breeds were intended to do, hunt, the odds increase that someone in their circle of friends and acquaintances will regard the dog owners as rating somewhere below child molesters and axe murders. And, the odds are also good that the dog owners will find themselves in hostile conversations with anti-hunters and quite possibly awkward ones with non-hunters. So, you need to have some idea of how to deal with these folks.

First of all, it does no good to try and engage these anti-hunting zealots in honest debate. Their minds are totally closed on the subject. It makes no difference to these folks that hunters have wildlife biologists and reams of scientific studies backing their arguments while the antis have nothing but antics from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and the Humane Society of the United States – which, in my opinion,operates a money mill, soliciting funds from credulous donors and plowing none of it back into wildlife, wildlife management, shelters or any other outlet to benefit animals – to support their beliefs. Usually, when confronted by a knowledgeable and reasonable hunter, the antis resort to ad hominem attacks or simply walk away from any rational discussion of the issue. As a result of the actions of some of the extremists, 18 states have passed constitutional amendments that guarantee the right to hunt and fish with nine other state legislatures considering such measures this year. Forty-four states have found it necessary to pass laws making it illegal to harass hunters.

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