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Generic Dog Training – Reward Or Ripoff?

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274 – August, 2024

By Amy Fernandez

Recently, The New York Times featured a centerpiece editorial on dog training trends and theories, or something sorta along those lines. Considering the scope of seismic events currently pervading world news, this was an odd topic to say the least. Then again, maybe it was inevitable. Millions of Americans entered the dog owner bazaar during the pandemic. And that’s probably the best way to describe our current state of affairs. You name it, We got it.

Grifty business is nothing new to our world. Clueless novices have been targets of dog-related scams throughout history. (Dog disputes featured in some of the earliest legal codes in recorded history). The big paradigm shift here has been the extent of media overkill–which is making the problem far worse. After years of doing their best to ignore the existence of dogs, suddenly mainstream media is all over this stuff, which would be fine if they ever got one damn thing right.

From our vantage point, the source of confusion is obvious. Prospective dog buyers anticipate predictability. (That expectation also holds true for those “adopting” even though, by definition, the definition should exclude that belief). Predictability, of course, has been the bedrock principle of selective breeding from the start. At this point, purebred selection is a straightforward process. Envision the type of dog you want or need and make an appropriate choice. It works just like it has for centuries. Unfortunately, misinformation has undermined any trust in that time-honored approach. Skepticism has replaced common sense. But that’s not the only fraying edge of this deal.

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274 – August, 2024

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  • September 2024