Elliott Wentzel – Hooked On Dog Shows
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102 – August, 2021
By Amy Fernandez
Aside from a tiny handful of family dynasties, people generally enter this sport via their unstoppable obsession with purebred dogs. Friends and family members don’t always say so, but in that respect, we’re usually viewed as an oddity. Therefore, when we actually join the dog game and discover an entire world of likeminded souls, it feels like home instantly. Same thing applies when we meet a kindred spirit. After awhile, we sort of develop built-in radar to automatically recognize and welcome a newcomer to our ranks…sometimes.
That brings me to Elliott Wentzel, age 17, from the small town of Houston, Pennsylvania which is situated a bit south of Pittsburgh. Elliott acquired his first show dog in Dec 2020- smack in the middle of pandemic times, and has officially been “in” dogs for all of nine months. Of course, that merely represents the latest chapter of a long and relentless obsession as he recently shared with me. “I have always loved the sport and had an interest in dogs.”
Yeah, so what, we all do that…except possibly most other kids his age. While they were busy with the likes of video games, rock stars, sleek cars and mundane sports like basketball and football, Elliott was marauding around the internet buying every single dog-related item he could lay his hands on.
(Does any of this sound familiar?)
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102 – August, 2021
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