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Table Talk

Another Westminster is in the books and most folks are home and on to the next show! It seems shows like Westminster and the AKC National Championship cause more than normal angst amongst competitors and, as a result, disagreements occur more often. I was talking to a good friend who showed dogs back in the day with me and we discussed how there was an unwritten, unspoken rule that handlers did not “bench” their colleagues unless the offense was detrimental to the health and well-being of a dog. What happened to change this practice? When one professional handler benches another, it is like going to the bosses office and tattling on a colleague. This is behavior that seems quite counter-productive unless, like I said, a dog’s well-being is endangered. If I had a magic wand, I’d wish that everyone could work out their differences without involving show committees and airing their dirty laundry in public.

Best wishes to Tommy and Merry Jeanne Millner as they relocate to their old stomping grounds in the Southeast. After a successful career as CEO of two major corporations, Tommy is retiring. He and Merry Jeanne are tracing their roots back to Georgia. Many years ago, Merry Jeanne’s father was mayor of the city where they are relocating. Who knows, maybe Tommy will end up with a political career and carry on the family tradition! In typical fashion of any politician, Tommy is denying any potential run for mayor. LOL!

Hats off to Harry Miller and his team who worked endless hours and stood in the rain to manage the shuttle service to and from the Pier at Westminster. This team also managed the traffic outside the venue. One of Harry’s shuttle drivers walked off the job the first day because he didn’t like dogs… sadly, the replacement didn’t have strong driving skills and caused a bit of a wreck at 8th and 34th Streets.

Despite the excitement, Harry managed to keep the buses running and get everyone to their destination safely and in a timely manner.

Best wishes to Tony Carter as he begins treatment for cancer. Fortunately, Tony will not have to undergo surgery as originally planned, but he does have a long road of chemo and radiation ahead of him. He caught it early and all involved are optimistic for a complete recovery.

I enjoyed catching up with Brianne Major who came over from France to attend Westminster and watch her PBGV show. Bri is greatly missed here. It was great to see her. It sounds like she may end up in Australia before all is said and done. Best wishes my friend!

Jay Richardson is off to Beijing, China to judge. This comes after a plum assignment of judging some Terriers at Westminster. That Jay is a busy man!

Birthday wishes to Lenny Gremminger, Jill Parslow, Allison Sunderman, Erin Olsen and Blair Aguillard.

We have a bonus for you this week! Check back at over the next couple of days as I will be writing about this year’s Westminster from the exhibitor’s perspective. We have some interesting tidbits that I am sure you will find interesting.

Until next time my friends…..

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Posted by on Feb 17 2017. Filed under Editorial, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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