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Canine Breeder Excellence Seminar Track

Mark your calendar and join us Wednesday evenings in October 2024 for the next installment of virtual Canine Breeder Excellence Seminar Track.

These seminars, sponsored by the American Kennel Club (AKC), the AKC Canine Health Foundation (AKC CHF), and the Theriogenology Foundation (TF), are intended for breeders looking for current information specifically on reproduction topics that will help them achieve success in their breeding programs. Engaging speakers (often a former or current AKC/AKCCHF/TF Small Animal Theriogenology Residency Program participant) bring their expertise to share and attendees leave with a better understanding of canine reproduction. If you are an avid breeder, canine fancier, or veterinary professional, this is a seminar series you will not want to miss.

Schedule: (All webinars will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6-7 pm Central Standard Time.)

October 16: Dr. Lexi Grillos - Pharmacologic Do’s and Don’ts in Canine Reproduction
October 23: Dr. Erin Runcan - You Are What You Eat: The Importance of Nutrition in Breeding Dogs
October 30: Dr. Gail McRae - Navigating Progesterone Measurement and Supplementation

Registration is $20 per session or $50 for the series and available until 24 hours prior to each session. Registration is free for veterinary students. All proceeds will benefit the Theriogenology Foundation education programs.

Each webinar offers the opportunity to earn 1 CE credit, with 3 total CE credits available for participation in the full series.

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Posted by on Aug 30 2024. Filed under Current Articles, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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