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Breed Priorities – Vizsla

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66 – July, 2020

By Nikki Riggsbee

The Vizsla evolved in Hungary, the favorite hunting dog of Magyar tribes and a valued and protected hunting and companion dog of early nobility. It is one of the smallest pointing retrieving breeds. Its golden rust short coat, moderate size, and robust but light build are among its trademarks. The Vizsla community is justifiably proud of the many “dual dogs” in their breed.

We found a total of eighteen AKC Vizsla breeder-judges to invite to take a survey on their breed’s priorities. All eighteen agreed to participate, and all returned completed surveys. This hasn’t happened before or since – to have 100% response, although several surveys arrived as I was writing this article, requiring revisions to the results. The Vizsla breeder-judges averaged thirty years in the breed and nearly eleven years judging it. Several have judged their national specialty, and most have judged other Vizsla specialties.

Vizsla Virtues

The survey included a list of sixteen characteristics from the Vizsla standard for the breeder-judges to prioritize. Below is the list in sequence from most important to least, based on the average ranks, with 1 being the most important.

1. Medium-sized…Robust but rather lightly built

2. Gait far reaching, light footed, graceful, smooth

3. Backline firm, slight rise over loin

4. Power, drive and endurance

5. Moderately laid back shoulders

6. Slightly longer than tall

7. Tail carried at or near horizontal when moving

8. Moderately angulated hindquarters

9. Lively, gentle-mannered, affectionate

10. Croup gently rounded

11. Color golden rust in varying shades

12. Neck strong, moderately long

13. Feet cat-like

14. Muzzle square and deep

15. Eyes medium in size and depth of setting

16. Ears thin, silky, proportionately long, set fairly low, hanging close to cheeks

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66 – July, 2020

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