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Breed Priorities – German Shepherd Dogs

From the archives of The Canine Chronicle, June, 2015

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226– June, 2015

By Nikki Riggsbee

German Shepherd Dogs are in a class by themselves. In 2014, they had over 150 independent specialty shows, not including designated specialties or supported entries or herding group shows. Some dogs can and do show only at specialty shows. And since there are over 200 breeder-judges, specialty judges at specialties usually outdraw the entry at all-breed shows.

Well over 100 breeder-judges were invited to take our Breed Priorities survey. Some of these judge only German Shepherds, some judge a few other breeds, and some are group and multiple group judges. Seventy-one experts accepted the invitation, and thirty-eight surveys were received. The group as a whole has been in the breed for nearly forty years on average and has been judging it for over sixteen years on average. Most all have judged German Shepherd specialties, and many have judged a parent club specialty.

Prioritizing Virtues

The breeder-judges were given a list of breed virtues from the German Shepherd Dog standard to prioritize from the most important to the least important. Their responses were averaged. The following is the list of the German Shepherd characteristics in sequence by the breeder-judges’ average priority, with 1 being the most important.

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