A Dog’s Life
98 – July, 2017
by Chris Robinson
Some time ago, while we were sitting around telling lies and talking smart, a long-time hunting partner of mine posed an interesting question. He said,“When you head off to that great goose blind in the sky, if you could come back for say a month or so even in another body, who would you want to be and don’t say Bob Woodward or any of those other investigative re- porters who beat you out of a Pulitzer.”
Like all good hunting partners, especially those who have sat in a duck or goose blind or walked hundreds of fields with you, he understood how best to stick in the needle to its hilt knowing full well that the only place on my professional awards wall that remains empty is the spot reserved for the Pulitzer Prize having been awarded just about every other professional honor that meant anything to me during my long career as an in- vestigative reporter. But, aside from that, I wasn’t certain at first how to answer that question because I’m not sure I’ll get to sit in that great goose blind in the sky. A lot depends upon whether St. Hubert, the patron saint of hunters, is willing to put in a few good words for a Protestant, I’d guess. But, after I’d thought about it for a couple of minutes, I said, “Okay, if I got a brief shot at another life, what I’d want to be, aside from a multiple Pulitzer Prize winner who writes a series of best selling novels and becomes so wealthy that killjoy political scolds would say ‘I think at a certain point you’ve made enough money’ and mean someone like me, would be one of my hunting dogs or at least a hunting dog that belonged to someone like me who appreciates just how special these dogs are.”
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