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Woofstock Postponed to November

Woofstock has rescheduled their groovy cluster from their regularly scheduled dates of June 10-13, 2021 to November 4-7, 2021. The new dates were approved by AKC yesterday. The show will be held at their regular venue at the Solano County Fairgrounds in Vallejo, California.

Here is the statement put out by the Woofstock Cluster Team on Facebook yesterday:

“What a long strange trip it’s been……”
Before you’ve “heard it through the grapevine”, we wanted to share the latest status on our Woofstock Cluster. For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been in communication with the Solano Fair Association regarding the Solano County Fairgrounds in Vallejo, our Woofstock’s show site. They have been designated as a primary vaccination site for Solano County and have just started COVID inoculations. Depending upon available vaccine allocations, the major buildings and open spaces will be used from two to six days per week. Initial planning called for the vaccinations at this site to be completed by the end of May, but with the vaccine shortages, management believes that it is probable that the work will continue well into June, placing our June 10-13 show days in great jeopardy. Rather than being faced with a late cancellation and canceling Woofstock 2021 altogether, we have just made the decision to move our show to later this year. We are excited to say, PENDING FINAL AKC APPROVAL, Woofstock will now be NOVEMBER 4 – 7, 2021 at the same Groovy location, Solano County Fairgrounds, Vallejo. Please know it was most challenging to find a weekend that was available both at the Fairgrounds and the AKC show schedule, but fortunately, we did and WOOFSTOCK 2021 will be a reality!!!!
In moving Woofstock 2021 to November, our amazing Team considered many options before making this decision. Please recognize that we usually have a 2-year lead time for all our planning. That means hiring new judges, tenting, golf carts, ring stewards, set up crew, caterers, RV Reservations, Vendors, working with ALL our amazing Specialty clubs, etc., etc. and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Recognizing the amount of work that would be involved and the severely compressed timeline, the entire Team unanimously supported moving Woofstock to November. How could we go another year without Peace, Love, Dogs and MUSIC!!!!!
We recognize that our compressed timeline will be a challenge, but we are excited that we are able to offer a show to the dog community. An additional bonus is that we are the weekend prior to the Wine Country Cluster, and it may attract additional exhibitors to take advantage of the back-to-back Show weekends.
As always, we have an amazing team and are always ready to step up to the challenge.
“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination, wherever that might be”…….WOOFSTOCK
James Dean
Mireille Bischel
CCCKC President/Woofstock Show Chair, YKC and the entire WOOFSTOCK TEAM

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Posted by on Feb 24 2021. Filed under Breaking News, Current Articles, Featured, The Buzz. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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