Professional dog show gone virtual: Why the American Heart Association is stepping up to fill gaps during the pandemic
Professional dog show gone virtual: Why the American Heart Association is stepping up to fill gaps during the pandemic
The American Heart Association is showing that they are strongly committed to the powerful connection between dog ownership and heart health, as well as the health of dogs, through the first-ever International Heart Classic Virtual Dog Show.
Since most live dog shows have been canceled or postponed during the pandemic, those involved in the sport have been unable to compete. The American Heart Association is making it possible for participants to come together, celebrate, and compete in a virtual dog show while they are unable to attend face-to-face competitions, all while benefiting their lifesaving cause.
“This is a perfect time to hold a virtual dog show,” said David Frei, one of the most influential voices in the dog show world. “The American Heart Association is filling the gap with their new pets initiative, Healthy Bond for Life, and this International Heart Classic Virtual Dog Show, so the timing is perfect to enter.”
“We’re thrilled to do this because we recognize there is a special bond, a healthy bond, between pets and their owners that positively effects their health physically and mentally,” said Nancy Brown, Chief Executive Officer of the American Heart Association. “Pets can help you get more exercise, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, cut stress and boost happiness.”
The American Heart Association, with the help of Tara Martin Rowell, volunteer chairperson for the event and the force behind the Lone Star State Classic Dog Show, has recruited well-known judges from the sport to evaluate the entries in both puppy and adult categories, including breeds, groups, and best in show. Group judges Include:
- Vicki Abbott – Best In Show
- Virginia L. Lyne – Sporting
- Pamela Bruce – Hound
- Kimberly Anne Meredith – Working
- David J. Kirkland – Terrier
- Larry C. Abbott – Toy
- Elaine J. Lessig – Non-Sporting
- Sharon Newcomb – Herding
With social interactions limited, the bond between humans and their pets, and the emotional and mental well-being benefits that come, can be a powerful partner in keeping you healthy. Whether you participate in dog shows or simply love to view them, the bond and sense of togetherness pets bring Is great for your health.
Registration Is open for the International Heart Classic Virtual Dog Show now through June 19. To register, visit:
If you are not able to participate, but still wish to donate to the American Heart Association, visit:
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