Looking Around With Lee – Food, Glorious, Food!
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64 – August, 2020
By Lee Canalizo
There has always been a connection between dog show folks and food! Why do I say that you ask? Well, for the last sixty years that I and my family have been involved in our special interest of dogs and dog shows, there has consistently been a discussion of food and eating well amongst the participants. Early on, during the novice days of match shows, there was always a picnic lunch to enjoy during the day, usually in the company of the other exhibitors and their young dogs and families.
During the growing process, many hours were spent attending club meetings, handling classes and breed symposiums. Where did we all finish up the evening? Why at the local diner of course! There were tables full of eager “dog people” discussing the evening’s events.
During this period, there was much information and education shared over food and drink. This is something that does not happen freely at this moment in time, I’m sorry to say!
As things progressed, the match shows gave way to “real” dog shows and the picnic lunch and goodies were still very much in evidence. In some cases, there was also an adult beverage or two available for the grown-ups! These were good times for most of us, and win or lose, we enjoyed our dog shows and the friendships that were formed.
After the Best In Show winner was chosen, it became a question, frequently, to decide on a place to meet for dinner before the ride home or travel to the next motel. This was mostly in the years before circuits were held in one venue. We changed sites every day–try that for a change of pace from today’s shows!
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64 – August, 2020
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