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Woofstock – It’s the Music!

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112 – May, 2018

By Bob Birdwell

Actually, it’s not the music that makes WOOFSTOCK successful. Certainly, the music is an integral part of our show, but as other clubs try to capitalize on our success, they usually find just piping in music falls short of transforming their shows into something special.

The things Contra Costa County Kennel Club and Yosemite Kennel Club do to make WOOFSTOCK special are too numerous for a single article.

I thought it might be helpful to highlight just a couple of things that might make exhibitors want to attend this “Bucket List” show.

We look at every opportunity to enhance the experience of our exhibitors, from reliving their youth by dressing in ‘60s garb, to attending a show where the dog that wins best costume is almost as prestigious as which dog wins Best In Show.

We strive very hard to have our club members be helpful and cheerful. We hope exhibitors appreciate that we have kept our entry fees the same as when WOOFSTOCK began. We consider each activity against whether it will enhance the exhibitors experience, how long it will ex- tend the show hours and, of course, our own manpower limitations.

We know our vendors appreciate the traffic they see, as we’ve filled virtually every spot and unfortunately have to turn some away.

Any club knows one of the primary reasons exhibitors spend their money and their time to attend a show is the judging panel. WOOFSTOCK goes a step beyond. Not only do we hire only the best judges, but we show them in a light that our exhibitors rarely see but appreciate. We show them to be much more than just adjudicators of breeding stock, but a fun-loving group of people, some of whom are “Dead Heads”, some of whom are “Hard Rockers”, and some of whom are entirely “embarrassable” (is that even a word?). We do our level best to gently embarrass the judges during groups. We’ve made judges laugh out loud, dance, cry and even grab a mic and address the exhibitors. The exhibitors enjoy it, but the other judges LOVE it! If you’ve never witnessed our group judging, you’re in for a treat!

We hope you’ll consider making WOOFSTOCK one of your “go-to” shows, you won’t regret it!


Click here to read the complete article
112 – May, 2018

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