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The Dachshund That Couldn’t Walk

That Was, Until It Received Laser Therapy at The Sanctuary


Ocala, FL – The Sanctuary Equine Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation Center is known as a state-of-the-art center dedicated to the healing and conditioning of equine athletes, but they also provide effective cutting edge therapies and services for canines. Just ask Paris, a four-year-old Daschund who suffered from back problems before discovering the healing benefits of The Sanctuary’s Ocala facility.

Paris, owned by John Gavender of Ocala, was a happy and lively little pup her first year of life, but after her first birthday she began to have back problems. “She has had chronic back problems and by the time she turned four she was about 90% paralyzed,” Gavender said. “Our small animal vet was giving her steroids and muscle relaxers but it wasn’t working so he suggested cold laser therapy.”

Like most dog owners, Gavender said he was willing to try anything for his little four-legged friend. “It was pretty incredible because I took her to The Sanctuary and after only one day of cold laser treatment she tried to stand,” he said. “It was amazing because within two weeks she was almost back to normal and now she is 100% recovered.”

Gavender added that he can’t say enough positive things about his experience at The Sanctuary. “I would take Paris back to The Sanctuary any time, and, in fact, I did. Around Thanksgiving of last year her back started acting up and I took her in for one cold laser therapy treatment and that’s all it took. She’s fine now. At the first signs of any problems, I will take her back.”
Cold laser therapy has been lauded for its success on humans, equines and canines. “We have had so many success stories at The Sanctuary, and Paris’s recover was truly heartwarming,” said Brenda McDuffee, General Manager of The Sanctuary. “She was a sad little puppy when she arrived at The Sanctuary and you wouldn’t know she is the same little dog now. She’s happy and wagging her tail and has a great life ahead of her.”

Cold laser therapy works to relieve pain and soreness in the legs and back, reduces swelling, reduces heat, tightens legs and speeds healing. “All of the therapies used by The Sanctuary are based on methods used for human rehabilitation and conditioning, and college and professional athletes often use the same equipment,” McDuffee said. “The Laser Therapy machine works great on dogs and horses, but professional athletes also use it to relieve soreness in their arms and legs.”
“I highly recommend The Sanctuary and want to thank them for giving me my dog back,” Gavender said. “If you go to The Sanctuary, tell them that Paris sent you!”

The Sanctuary Equine Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation Center in Ocala is a 30-acre, multi-million dollar facility. The Sanctuary also has a state-of-the-art mobile equine sports therapy trailer that travels to horse shows and a new facility in Wellington, The Sanctuary at PBIEC, which was built in conjunction with the Wellington Equestrian Partners. For more information about The Sanctuary in Ocala or Wellington, or their mobile therapy unit, visit their website at

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Posted by on Mar 19 2012. Filed under Breaking News, Health & Training, The Buzz, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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