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Table Talk · August 24, 2022

As international travel becomes “easier”, we are once again seeing foreign judges show up on judging panels.  Personally, I welcome a fresh, educated eye.  I have heard many fanciers take issue with seeing the same judges week-in and week-out. While we are seeing more and more of our judges come back to judging, there is still a group of more popular judges that one can “run into” quite often.  Inviting judges from other countries broadens our horizons, and hopefully, it is a learning experience for all involved:  the international judge, the exhibitors, and observers outside the ring.  I used the term fresh, educated eye above intentionally:

It is the responsibility of the hiring club when hiring judges from other parts of the world to ensure that if the judge does not speak or understand English, arrangements are made for an interpreter to foster optimal communication.  Ensuring that the visiting judge is aware of AKC judging procedures is critical.  Of course, it is also assumed that the international judge will familiarize themselves with the AKC protocol prior to fulfilling their assignment.

If a club elects to give a visiting judge the honor of judging Best In Show, like this past weekend at the Olympic Kennel Club in Washington, it should be the hiring club’s top priority to ensure he or she is familiar with the judging procedures and agrees to follow them.

Fortunately, new participants are engaging in the sport of purebred dogs.  These individuals should enjoy a positive experience when exhibiting their dog to judges that follow the proper protocol.  Imagine exhibiting in your first-ever Best In Show and not being able to move your dog around the ring?  This is one reason people might leave the sport!  When welcoming judges from other countries, everyone would benefit if all ‘i’s’ are dotted and all ‘t’s’ are crossed by hiring clubs and those judges invited to judge.

At the August 2022 Board of Directors meeting, the American Kennel Club voted to modify the Rules Applying to Dog Shows concerning Disqualification and Reinstatement.

The Disqualification and Reinstatement procedure was modified to establish that dogs disqualified more than once under the provisions of Chapter 11 Section 8-A of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows are ineligible for reinstatement.  This applies to disqualifications by judge for attacking a person in the ring, by Event Committee for attacking and injuring a person or a dog, or administratively barred due to multiple excusals for aggression.

This revision, in my opinion, was quite necessary.  Over the past several months, I have noticed increased dog bites, dog on dog altercations, and failure to control that have resulted in unpleasant circumstances at shows.  Let’s get those dogs out, socialized, and get them some practice if there is any question that they are not ready for the dog show environment!

Best wishes to Betty Regina Leininger who is entering another exciting chapter in her life.  Betty has relocated to a 55+ community and has changed her AKC judging status to Emeritus.  She looks forward to meeting new friends to add to her very large dog fancy network.  Best wishes, my friend. I hope our paths cross again soon.

Congratulations to Canine Chronicle reporter and Elkhound fancier Erin Olsen’s mom who, at the young age of 81, was married this past week.  Carolyn Hamilton married her sweetheart, Roy Renner. The happy couple was joined by immediate family.  Carolyn and Roy met last year and have now relocated back to Michigan.  Best wishes for many happy years ahead!  Erin, enjoy having your mom closer to you.

Andrea McIlwaine is getting a very special gift for her birthday this year:  A new hip!!!!  Best of luck and happy healing, Andrea!

Healing thoughts to Holly Leftwich who recently had surgery.  We look forward to having you back in the ring by mid-September!  In the meantime, take care of yourself.

Good news for Mike Kurtzner who recently passed his stress test after experiencing cardiac issues.  Let’s keep that blood pressure in check, my friend!

Celebrating wedding anniversaries this week are:  Michelle Montes-Capton and Michael Capton and Anita and Eric O’Berg.  Cheers to many more happy, healthy years ahead.

Fanciers with birthdays this week are:  David Johnson, David Miller, Bonnie Linnell Clark, Patty Keenan, Bobby Fisher, Faith Ott, Tim Terella, and Chuck Suda.  Enjoy your special day, my friends, and make it a great one!!

Thanks, Lois DeMers, for these wise words spoken by a fellow exhibitor:

“Every single dog in the ring is someone’s pet first.  No matter if it’s handled by a professional handler or an owner/handler at their first dog show, someone is excited for their dog to win a ribbon, no matter what color it might be, even if that ribbon is third out of three.  Sometimes that third out of three is a victory because their dog finally showed well and let the judge examine them.  Whatever the reason for someone’s excitement, please stop taking it away from them by not liking the wording of their post or calling them out for not beating anyone.  Whether Novice or Professional, someone is excited for that ribbon their dog won.  How about we all just start loving our dogs?  For all my friends who win a ribbon today, whether it be the big Best In Show ribbon, or a class placement, CONGRATULATIONS!!”

Be safe out there, my friends!  If your travels take you to Santa Barbara, please stop by the Purina booth and say hi! See you soon down the road!  Until next time…

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