American Heart Association’s Healthy Bond for Life™ bring back Best Friend Fridays.
American Heart Association’s Healthy Bond for Life™ bring back Best Friend Fridays. Here’s how pets can help if you’re WFH or heading back to an office.
Companion animals are wonderful stress-buffers. And with millions of Americans working from home during COVID-19, it’s well-documented that pets are helpful under times of stress reports the American Heart Association.
June is the perfect time to think about the psychological benefits of comfort, reassurance and social support of your companion animals. They are serving roles and meeting needs that many people are probably under-appreciating, not to mention the well-documented physical benefits they also facilitate.
Pets give a sense of togetherness. Bonding with a pet helps you not to feel alone. Seeing, touching, hearing, or talking to animals can bring a sense of goodwill, joy, nurturing, and happiness.
“Cardiovascular disease remains the No. 1 killer of all Americans. To turn the tide, we must tackle the problem in innovative ways,” said Dr. Glenn Levine, a volunteer medical expert for the American Heart Association’s Healthy Bond for Life.
The bond with our pets can be a powerful partner in keeping us happier and healthier and the American Heart Association wants your furry co-workers - if you are working from home – or if you’re going back to an office to know these 5 things:
1. Pets can reduce work-related stress. Approximately two out of three employees say work stresses them out, while 40% say their job gets in the way of their health. Studies show that pets in the workplace may help reduce stress, increase productivity and improve employee satisfaction. They can also help when working from home.
2. Pets can help increase productivity. When a dog joins a collaborative setting – even if that’s a virtual meeting – group members rank their teammates higher in terms of trust, team cohesion and camaraderie.
3. Companion animals help manage anxiety. Now more than ever, many people are feeling anxious or are struggling with mental health, and pets provide companionship and unconditional love.
4. Pets keep owners active. Dog owners are more likely to fit in the recommended physical activity than those who don’t have a dog. While social distancing is keeping people in their homes all day, pets give a reason to get outside, get some fresh air and get active. Studies also show that physical activity has many benefits for mental health.
5. Pets provide a sense of togetherness. The bond with a pet helps the owner to not feel alone. When owners see, touch, hear or talk to their companion animals, it brings a sense of goodwill, joy, nurturing and happiness. At the same time, stress hormones are suppressed.
“If you’re feeling down or struggling with your mental health, your pet companion can help,” Levine said. “Spend some time with them playing or just petting them. You may find that you feel better, and your pet will love the bonding time, too.”
Show us your furry co-worker using #BestFriendFridays.
Registration Is open for the International Heart Classic Virtual Dog Show now through June 19. To register, visit:
If you are not able to participate, but still wish to donate to the American Heart Association, visit:
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