#TriviaTuesday – Can You Guess This Dog Breed?
What breed of dog am I?
- I am a breed in the Toy group – the 140th breed recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1995.
- I am an active, graceful, well-balanced toy spaniel, very gay and free in action standing no taller than 13 inches; fearless and sporting in character, yet at the same time gentle and affectionate. Natural appearance with no trimming, sculpting or artificial alteration is essential to breed type. My breed is notable for its four distinct color patterns: Blenheim, Tricolor, Black and Tan, and Ruby.
- I possess a sweet, gentle, melting expression which is an important breed characteristic. My eyes are large, round, but not prominent and set well apart; color a warm, very dark brown with dark rims. I should have cushioning under my eyes which contributes to my soft expression.
Correct Answer: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Short URL: https://caninechronicle.com/?p=280760
Posted by Gia
on Feb 6 2024. Filed under CC Trivia Question, Featured, The Buzz.
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