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Table Talk · March 24, 2021

Let’s start off Table Talk by welcoming California back to the sport of purebred dogs!  Congratulations to Shasta Kennel Club and all those involved in the successful execution of the first four days of the 8-day circuit held in Anderson, California!  A little rainy weather was not going to bring down anyone at these shows.  I know those west coast exhibitors were so happy to be at a show that was less than 1500 miles away!

In February of this year, all AKC Executive Field Representatives were required to complete a training program conducted by the U.S. Center for SafeSport.  Effective this year, the training program is also a continuing education requirement for AKC Registered Handlers.  The U.S. Center for SafeSport is an independent, non-profit organization committed to building a sport community where participants can work and learn together free of emotional, physical and sexual abuse and misconduct.  Requiring the AKC Registered Handlers and Field Representatives to participate in this training is the beginning of an effort to make our sport a safer environment for all.  Kudos to Mary Dukes for bringing this great program to the attention of the AKC.  If you have not had the opportunity to watch Michael Hill’s interview with Mary and AKC Registered Handlers Carissa Shimpeno and Stacy Threfall, check it out on Canine Chronicle TV at

I was thrilled to hear that Maripi Wooldridge returned to the ring for the first time since 2015!  In true Maripi fashion, she finished her Lakeland Terrier with three consecutive majors.  It is great to have you back in the ring my friend.  We hope to see you at more shows in the future!

And while I am on the subject, Scott Sommer was spotted in the Bichon ring in Navasota, Texas!  I heard Scott picked up a 5-point major on an exciting new dog, and it looks like he didn’t miss a beat!

Welcome back to both of you!  We are happy to have you back in the ring!

As many dogs go through their spring shed, my friend Rhonda Holloway had a great suggestion about how to use all of that unwanted hair that you rake out of your dogs.  She suggests that you put the hair outside in your planters; the birds will use it to build their nests!

I was told that the Red Roof Inn in Redding, California was charging exhibitors who stayed at the hotel $150-$250 for damage fees.  In the cases reported to me, the guests claimed there was no damage to the rooms. Fortunately, these exhibitors had a practice of taking photographs upon checking out of the hotel.  Exhibitors may want to adopt this practice and take time-stamped photos when checking out of hotels of their room for their own fiscal protection.

A heads-up to clubs that are thinking about putting together a cluster:  All-Breed clubs can request a third show as long as there are no other shows within 500 miles on that weekend.

Those fanciers looking for judges’ education opportunities might want to consider attending the Windy City Cluster in Grayslake, Illinois in June.  The cluster’s current plan includes 8 days of judges’ education including an AKC Judges Education Institute.

I am happy to report that Shawn Nichols is okay after suffering chest pain and calling an Uber to take him to the emergency room.  Fortunately, Shawn’s discomfort was due to a gallbladder stone, and all is well!

Word has is that Jane and Greg Myers are heading back to Florida!  They’ll be calling Ocala home. I wish you both safe travels across the country, and best wishes for a smooth relocation. I am sure you are happy to be back home in Florida!

Mickey Feigelsen packed his 20 outfits for 8 days; and he and his husband, Chuck Leachman, are off for some fun and sun in Hawaii.  Enjoy your much-deserved vacation!

Congratulations to Nancy Foley on the quick sale of her home!   Nancy is heading off on vacation to SW Florida before she completes her move.

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Gabriel Rangel, Matt Perchick, Fan Yu, Mercedes Vila, Pilar Kuhn, Kay Belter, Carol Harris, Kate Murray, Dale Sullens (Michael Shepherd’s better half), Tad Brooks, Allison Alexander and Kelly Shupp.

Thank you to Dr. Marty Greer (through Dr. Jerry Klein) for this week’s kick in the butt:  Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well-preserved body.  But rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOOHOO – what a ride!!!

Be safe out there, my friends.  Be kind to your fellow exhibitors and the club volunteers and lend a hand wherever possible.  I’ll see you soon!  Until next time…


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