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Table Talk · April 24, 2024


It is a great week to be part of the dog fancy!  Some fanciers are traveling to Croatia for the 2024 World Dog Show while others are participating in National Specialties.  I have the pleasure of attending the 2024 Poodle Club of America National.  If you haven’t attended PCA, I strongly suggest putting it on your bucket list!

Whippet fanciers from near and far are gathering in Tennessee for the American Whippet Club National Specialty.  The AWC National is on my to-do list, and I hope to attend next year.  I hear such wonderful things about it. It seems the entry just keeps growing, so they must be doing something right! Best of luck to all exhibitors no matter where this week’s journey takes you!!

The American Kennel Club has approved additional educational requirements for the AKC Board of Directors, Inspectors, Field Staff, AKC Registered Handlers, and additional AKC staff that regularly attend events.  All will be required to successfully complete the Stewards of Children training program–from the organization Darkness to Light–once every three years.  All Junior Showmanship judges and Club Junior Coordinators will also be required to take the course every three years. The course will be offered by the American Kennel Club on a complimentary basis.

If you have not had a chance to watch the Table Talk Live Video segments with Sunrise Service Dogs Executive Director Laura Edwards, I encourage you to do so!  For those unaware of Colton and Heather Johnson’s most recent initiative, they have founded Sunrise Service Dogs, a 501©3 organization, for the purpose of creating a bridge to possibility by partnering individuals with exceptional canines.

Being able to provide a service dog to a human in need is a multi-faceted initiative that requires significant commitment and generosity from many.  Table Talk segments thus far include talking with founders Colton and Heather Johnson and Executive Director Laura Edwards, a segment with breeders Berna Welch, Karen Richard and Lisa Casaccio who donated “Mr. Green”, a Golden Retriever puppy, and Katy Van Housen, “Mr. Green’s” puppy raiser.  The Sunrise Service Dogs segments are meant to raise awareness about the program, the great need for well-bred puppies, and most importantly puppy raisers!  Taking on the service dog puppy raising responsibility is a very important one and requires commitment for 12-18 months.  Please watch the segments and consider getting involved.  I will continue to provide updates on Mr. Green’s journey.  If you are interested in becoming a puppy raiser, please do not hesitate to contact Laura at ledwards@sunriseservicedogs.org.

Healing thoughts are with Delores Burkholder as she undergoes orthopedic surgery.  She will be non-weight bearing for 9-12 weeks post-op so please be sure to reach out to her as I am sure she will need the entertainment!

Anita O’Berg is back home after a brief hospital stay.  Feel better soon, Anita!

Congratulations to Mickey Feigelson and Chuck Leachman who now have a place to call their own in New York City!  Look out NY!  I don’t know if you are ready this pair!

Best wishes to Jenna Starr and Tony Collins who were married at the Baltimore County Kennel Club show.  They were joined by their two Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs for the happy occasion!  Congratulations!  May you have many happy years together.

For those coming to New York for Westminster, do not miss the Barks and Bubbles Garden Soiree fundraiser which will be held at the Billie Jean King Tennis Center on Monday, May 13th from 4-6pm (between breed judging and group judging).  For tickets and more information, go to the website at www.museumofthedog.org.

Dog Show Superintendents Susan Bradshaw-MacLyman and Keith MacLyman cut their dog show weekend short this past weekend to head out on a cruise!  Bon voyage and safe travels, my friends!  You deserve it!!

Happy Anniversary to one of the hardest working Show Chairs I know!  Linda Rowell and her dearly beloved John are celebrating 56 years of wedded bliss!  Here’s to many more happy years ahead!

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week include: Michael Pesare, Tootie Longo, Nina Fetter-Galarneau, David Kirkland, Kristen McGregor, Correy Krickeberg, Vince Indeglia, Rowan Baggenstos, Rhonda Holloway, Jessica Braatz, CJ Favre, Nancy Brown, Hana Marangon, Nancy Davidson Foley, Debbie Butt, Frank Murphy and Emily Thiel.  Make your day be a special one!

Be safe out there my friends.  I hope your days are filled with beautiful dogs, wonderful ribbons, and cherished memories.  Until next time…

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Posted by on Apr 24 2024. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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