Too Many Dog Shows = Cheap Champions
The following letter was presented to me at a local dog show by a very well-known and respected breeder and judge who I have known for most of my life.
The following shows us that there is a positive approach (alternative) to the decline in entries and future applications to allow the sport of showing dogs to grow without impeding the quality of the dogs being bred and entered.
In fact, when you review this concept, you think, “IT COULD WORK”!
I was asked to forward this on to all concerned parties in the dog fancy and after my review I totally agree with it. Please advise me back with your thoughts and comments.
– Louis Krokover
Too Many Dog Shows – Cheap Champions
By Walt Shellenbarger
With declining AKC revenue, judge vilification and nostalgic references to the “Good Old Days”, the following is submitted for your review and comments.
Major surgery just might be worth serious consideration.
The results of implementing the following suggestions of having two types of dog shows could please a majority of participants of our sport and at the same time be understood by the general public.
Having two types of shows:
One would be called CHAMPIONSHIP DOG SHOWS and would be to solely earn a championship status. There would be three classes for each breed divided by sex:
Junior Class (6 to 12 months of age)
Intermediate Class (12 to 24 months of age)
Maturity Class (24 months and older)
Certificates of championship quality could or would be awarded in each class to as many exhibitors as the judge DEEMED DESERVING.
Six certificates from six different judges, with two certificates from the MATURITY CLASS will be required to be certified as a CHAMPION by the AKC, and upon completion of this you would receive your certificate of record which will contain the registered name, number and date of completed championship.
This type of show would enable the breeders and exhibitors to compare and discuss the various breeds regarding improvements and concerns with fellow breeders and owners on a clearly formatted base.
Each breed club may hold two Championship shows per year, approximately six months apart, and “No back to back shows” unless it is held in conjunction with the second type of show as stated further below. It is to be noted that the championship shows can only be held in the territorial area as designated by the AKC to that breed club.
The second type of show would be called ALL BREED DOG SHOWS and would be limited only to “CHAMPIONS OF RECORD”.
There would be one class for each breed competing for BEST OF BREED (Grand Champion of Breed) who would then compete for Best in Group (Group Grand Champion). Then the Group winners would compete for Best in Show and earn the title of GRAND CHAMPION.
These Grand Champions would compete at the end of the year for the title of Supreme Grand Champion.
With this application the following would be accomplished:
- The breeder would have a venue to compare progress and discuss improving and maintaining the integrity of their respective breeds.
- The exhibitor(s) would have a simple, effective competition.
- The Handler(s) would have a format satisfying time constraints.
- The general public would have an easy to understand format.
This is almost too simple, however, I urge you to give serious thought to this idea.
Written by Mr. Walt Shellenbarger (2007)
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