Progressive Never Fails to Impress!
252 – March, 2018
By Amy Fernandez
“A lot more judges came in for mentoring and we were happy to see that. The show always had a reputation for this and judges are always looking for mentoring, but they are never sure where to go these days. If they know they can come to a Toy specialty and find multiple breed experts that’s a big advantage in many ways.” – Tim Lehman
Westminster week is reliably traditional and predictable but there’s always a few surprises built into that well worn ambiance. After a hundred or so episodes, that’s not an easy package to deliver, especially for a club that built its reputation on staid, imperious competence. Yes, you know which one I’m talking about. Intimidating, prestigious, and since 1992 Progressive has been positioned as a Westminster kickoff event that unfailingly tilts the odds and preps exhibitors for the grueling week ahead.
Founded in 1933, that brand image was entrenched in the club’s core mission of fostering respect for a group of breeds that were – until then – viewed as superfluous fluff. Shattering that prejudice necessitated an ironhanded focus on quality and competition. Mission accomplished a long time ago. Even so, the club’s fearsome image became inseparable from Toy breed credibility thereafter.
On February 9, Progressive rolled into show number 94 true to form, comfortably ensconced in its favorite, somewhat shabby territory, the Penntop Ballroom. But the moment those elevator doors opened it was obvious that something was different. Your cortisol levels didn’t instantly shoot through the roof. Instead of entering a war zone it was more like visiting your sweet old auntie.
Clubs are woke to the sport’s current critical need to recruit and retain support. This particular situation may seem impervious to such a radical restyle, but seeing is believing. Much of the credit for that goes to Progressive’s show chairman, Tim Lehman. “We still have a ways to go but the whole atmosphere has changed a lot since I took over. Everyone is much calmer and friendlier.”
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