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Looking Back With Lee

48 – Annual, 2012-2013

By Lee Canalizo

This month’s column allows us to look back in a different way.  With the Holidays approaching, let’s look back and remember the retired and emeritus judges that we no longer see officiating week after week in the rain, cold or blistering heat. It might surprise you that “officially” the AKC lists 274 judges as “Emeritus” and their names are only occasionally listed in a judge’s newsletter. They used to be included in the yearly judges directory…and quite frankly they should be added back…or at least in the online directory!

The wonderful, colorful lady judge that awarded your dog his last major to become your first homebred champion, or the “so serious” gentleman judge that put the fear of God in you every time you entered his ring, but gave your entry his first group win. How can you overlook them?

Remember the elderly lady Toy judge who, to your utter amazement, gave your big, macho working dog a Best In Show in a lovely lineup, including a very good specimen of her own breed!

These people gave us wonderful, unforgettable memories in our dog show lives which will never to be forgotten.

Do you ever wonder where these good people are or if they miss the dog shows and their dog show families that they devoted so much of their lives to?  Well, let me tell you, they certainly do miss them and many of them have no one to reminisce with over the good times, the fun times and the fabulous dogs that they “discovered”!  How sad!

They taught us so much and in many instances shared their vast experiences with the younger generation who were striving to reach the heights that the renowned elders had attained.  We don’t see so much of this in the present day, (for a number of reasons – but that is for another column) and it’s a shame as the knowledge and expertise that this generation of judges shared was a very valuable gift to the up and coming “novice” judges.

During this time of the year, let’s try to bring a bit of joy and happiness to this group of our “dog show treasures”.  Don’t let them think we have totally forgotten or abandoned them. Send a holiday card, make a phone call, or better still, if possible, take them out for lunch and some good, doggie conversation.

These people were an important part of our past, in a sport we all love, and before long, we may find ourselves in the same situation…wondering where all of our dog show “friends” have gone!

Pay them a little respect and attention during the holiday season. I’m sure it will make you feel good and I’m sure the retirees will so appreciate being remembered!

Happy and Healthy Holidays to All!


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Posted by on Jan 10 2013. Filed under Current Articles, Dog Show History, Featured, Remembering Our Past?. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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