From The CC Vault: IMHO – Does Being a Show Chair Make You a Better Judge?
Originally published: May 2019
by Elaine Lessig
We asked experienced AKC judges two questions about current issues affecting our sport. Here’s what they had to say…
Name the top three ways that being a judge makes you better at organizing an all-breed dog show?
Those of us who judge and organize all-breed dog shows have some distinct advantages which can improve the show experience for everyone involved and all the dogs, too. Hospitality, organi- zation, and communication top my list. A good show environment provides a pleasant atmosphere for exhibitors, judges, workers, vendors, and spectators. Judges appreciate a warm welcome; a pleasant, productive show grounds; a clean, safe place to stay and eat. As a show chair I am certain to provide these same amenities that I wish for when I am on a panel.
A well-organized show is a gift. To know how to get to the show; where to park, eat, and sleep; crating arrangements: ring location; and superintendents’ area is ideal. Organization is the ultimate stress reliever. It answers all the questions without having to ask them. Once again, I believe that we all have similar needs. Communication is the glue which holds everything together. Whether it is an entry, contract, premium list, judging schedule, or letter, email, phone call, or text, the information we receive is one tool we all value highly. We all need and want a clear directive. Having that makes the show experience better for each of us no mat- ter what role you have in making the show a great one!
What positive suggestions can you offer to show chairs from your perspective as a judge?
Once again, we are all on the same boat. Hopefully, it is a five-star cruise ship on its way to some great ports. Even if it isn’t, show chairs can certainly make it feel that way. A wise show chair knows that a successful show is one that attracts the largest entry possible.
Build it and they will come. Find a suitable venue near amenities that accommodate everyone who comes to your show. Select those judges to whom your exhibitors enjoy showing their dogs. Do something special to show your appreciation to all who are in attendance. We all like a treat, ice cream bars on a hot afternoon. The bottom line here is if you like it, others will, too.
Click the link below to read more with AKC Judges DARRYL VICE and KIMBERLY MEREDITH!
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