Balance – Bones, Angles and Joints
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By Wendell Sammett
The forelimbs are, in essence, columns of support over which the body is propelled by the hindlimbs. The bone length and angles of the forelimbs must physically balance those of the rear limbs for maximum efficiency.
The shoulder (Scapula), the arm (Humerus), the pelvis (Ilium, Ischium and Pubis) and the thigh (Femur) are of approximately equal lengths, creating balance.
The Forearm (Radius and Ulna) is proportionally longer than the above bones, and the leg (Tibia and Fibula) is, in turn, proportionally longer than the forearm.
The front pastern assembly and paws (carpals) metacarpals and phalanges will balance the rear hock assembly and paws (Tarsals), metatarsals and phalanges.
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