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Addressing Expectations in the Dog Show World

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216 – August, 2016



This month we look at how to address and manage owner, breeder and handler expectations. Disagreements arise because expectations among the parties have not been managed. Communication is not seen as a priority. If you implement these six easy steps, they will help you manage these expectations while bolstering your communication, allowing for relationships to grow and last for years to come.

Most relationships start off on good footing. Owners are happy, handlers are happy and breeders are happy. Everyone is in a good mood and enjoying this new relationship. What happens next is crucial. Learning how to manage the expectations of others, so that the relationship can continue to thrive, is of the utmost importance especially in a dog-centered relationship – whether the dog is show or pet. These six steps will not only help you enter into a good relationship but maintain it over the long haul. Managing breeder/owner/handler expectations is key. It’s easy to keep a relationship going when everything is going right. The tricky part comes when things are not as rosy as everyone would like them to be.

Step 1
Build a Relationship:

This relationship goes beyond just your dog connection. You want to make sure you know something about the people who own or show your dog. Knowing what makes them tick helps to foster a good relationship. Inquire about their lives beyond the business aspects of your relationship. Share with them what is important to you beyond the dog show world. This will make it infinitely easier to know and understand how each of you will react to issues when they arise. People like working with people they know personally. Building a relationship, above and beyond just the business relationship, is of the utmost importance.

Step 2
Address the Problem Directly:

This is the number one reason relationships fail. People put off addressing issues that arise when they are small. They allow things to fester and grow. This deteriorates trust and undermines the foundation of a lasting relationship. If you follow Step 1 to building a relationship, you will know how to approach the other party when a problem arises. This transparency helps facilitate direct communication among the parties involved. You feel comfortable addressing problems as they occur because the trust you built into your relationship during the good times is there to help you weather the storm of bad times.

Click here to read the complete article
216 – August, 2016

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