A Message from the Chairman of The Kennel Club in Respect of the Invasion of Ukraine
The Kennel Club shares the world’s dismay and devastation at the horrifying atrocities being witnessed in Ukraine, following the invasion by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and as a result we recently announced that no exhibitors living in Russia will be allowed to compete at Crufts 2022.
These actions are a violation of human rights that are leaving those people in our canine community, and beyond fearing for their lives and as an organization focussed on animal welfare our hearts are also breaking for all the dogs and animals affected by this invasion. We will be donating £25,000 via the Kennel Club Charitable Trust, which will be matched by The Trust itself, giving a total of £50,000 to the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale), which is in a position via its network of Kennel Clubs in both Ukraine and bordering countries of Poland and Hungary, to help those breeders, owners and their dogs, who are desperately in need.
We are also taking a series of further steps to ensure that our condemnation of this attack is reflected throughout all areas of our work, although we do this with heavy hearts and with full recognition that this is a war driven by the leaders of the country and not the people. Going forwards and until further notice:
- Judges licensed by the Russian/Belarusian Kennel Federations will no longer be able to judge at Kennel Club shows and events
- Entry to all Kennel Club competitions (including and beyond Crufts 2022) will no longer be allowed by those living in Russia and Belarus
- Judges and exhibitors are strongly advised not to judge or exhibit at canine events in Russia/Belarus, out of respect for the current situation, and in line with government guidance about the safety of travel and Russian qualifying shows for Crufts 2023 have been withdrawn
- The Kennel Club will no longer accept Authority to Compete applications from these countries, which allow overseas dogs to compete at shows
- Licensed shows and events will be strongly advised to no longer allow exhibitors living in Russia/Belarus to their shows, by applying the regulation of the right to refuse entry
- New import registrations from and exports to Russia and Belarus, applied for after the date of this announcement, will be refused
Our hearts and thoughts are with every person and animal who is affected by this tragic conflict. Those who wish to donate money towards helping dogs and their owners in Ukraine may do so via Appeal for Ukraine – Kennel Club Charitable Trust.
All money donated to The Kennel Club Charitable Trust between now and the end of Crufts at midnight on 13 March 2022 will be ringfenced for the Ukrainian appeal and thereafter will remain as a donation option. Kennel Club Charitable Trust collection points will also be on Kennel Club stands at Crufts.
Tony Allcock OBE
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