Table Talk · November 20, 2019
Celebrating birthdays this week are: Jason Hoke, Michael Hill, Michele Abati, Linda Rowley, Don Gillett, Carla Link Vaughn, Shari Smith, Ray Harrington and Courtney Bastian.
Celebrating birthdays this week are: Jason Hoke, Michael Hill, Michele Abati, Linda Rowley, Don Gillett, Carla Link Vaughn, Shari Smith, Ray Harrington and Courtney Bastian.
Entries close on May 30, 2019 Entry fee: $35 USD per day per dog Entries: Program:
We have been notified that the 2020 Westminster Judges Panel will be released tomorrow morning. Be sure to monitor The Canine Chronicle website at and The Canine Chronicle Facebook page of the release of the entire panel of Breed, Group and Best In Show judges.
The dreadful pier to pier transit situation was the same as ever, actually worse for a couple hours when one of the elevators conked out.
or those of you driving to Westminster who normally park on the roof of Pier 92, that parking facility will not be available this year.
The 2019 Kennel Club of Palm Springs cluster is in the books! With an entry of 3300-plus, the competition was deep and representation of all breeds was impressive. At the risk of being annoying by repeating myself, I encourage everyone to put this show on your bucket list. It’s a treat for those who [...]
Cornell Veterinarians to Provide Veterinary Care at The Westminster Kennel Club’s Annual Dog Show ITHACA, N.Y. – The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) and its satellite clinic, Cornell University Veterinary Specialists (CUVS), will be the official veterinary care providers for the 143rd annual Westminster Dog Show happening February in New York City. This [...]
Photo Contest to Win $4999.99 Prize Package For Your National Specialty ,
David Fitzpatick checked in to let us know that his dear friend and longtime fancier Nancy Shapland passed away. Many in the sport remember Nancy as a familiar face at shows for decades. Our sympathies are with her family and friends at this difficult time.