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Wishing A Speedy Recovery to Brittany Cipriotti

Professional handler and dog enthusiast Brittany Cipriotti was severely in a motorcycle accident that occurred in early July.

Brittany and her husband, Mark, both long-time motorcycle enthusiasts, were returning home from a dinner ride. About one-quarter of a mile from their home, Mark’s motorcycle spooked a deer running on the left shoulder toward them. The deer passed Mark and made a beeline with his head down and t-boned into Brittany’s Yamaha Midnight Star 1600. The deer, a large velvet buck, crushed Brittany’s left lower leg and knee before it died on the scene.

Luckily, Brittany had the skills to keep the bike upright after being pushed into a field, and she stopped the bike in a neighbor’s drive while waiting for help to arrive. She was transported by ambulance to the local trauma hospital where she was admitted and hospitalized for three days with severe lacerations, deep hematomas, and avulsion fractures. After being released to go home, she was re-admitted for compartment syndrome to her lower leg and hospitalized another three days through July 8th. She is now at home recovering and will have more information on the orthopedic side of her injuries soon.

Now that shows are starting up again, she was really looking forward to being back out with her pack especially her heart dog, the BIS Canaan Dog, AVI. Well, they say it takes a village, so look for her village lending a helping hand while she heals.

Short URL: https://caninechronicle.com/?p=187425

Posted by on Jul 13 2020. Filed under Breaking News, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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