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Remembering Gloria Geringer

The Canine Chronicle received the sad news that Mrs. Gloria Geringer of Welsh, Louisiana has passed away. Mrs. Geringer was a longtime respected judge of all breeds.

Prior to becoming a popular and much sought after AKC Judge, Mrs. Geringer was a breeder and handler of American Cocker Spaniels. She was also an AKC licensed professional handler. As a judge, her assignments took her all over the world. She had the distinct honor of judging the American Spaniel Club dog show on multiple occasions. Mrs. Geringer’s involvement in the sport of purebred dogs spanned over 60 years.

The Canine Chronicle extends our sincere condolences to her husband, Lucky, and to all of her family and friends following her passing. She will be missed.

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Posted by on Aug 12 2021. Filed under Breaking News, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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