Dogs – The Family We Choose
Melanie Steele
Photography by Holli Murphy
Foreword by Dana Perino
After almost a year since the conceptualization of this project, the time, talents, and efforts of many old and new dog friends have resulted in the publication of a beautiful luxury sized hardbound book featuring dogs of all shapes, sizes and breeds.
Heartfelt thanks to Holli Murphy, who donated her time and talents to photograph over 100 dogs, along with Lindsay Cameron who somehow convinced all of our subjects to pose for the camera, and Kathryn O’Connor who kept us organized through it all. Special thanks to all of the residents at Palmetto Bluff who brought their canine families to participate in this worthwhile project.
All proceeds from the book will go to the NC College of Veterinary Medicine to aid in the research performed there and
headed by Denis J. Marcellin-Little, DEDV, Professor, Orthopedic Surgery.
Published by Lydia Inglett Publishing/Starbooks
Purchase online at
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