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Chucky Breaks the Mold

By Amy Fernandez

The biggest star to emerge from the weekend so far is Ch. Pequest Pickwick.

Since rolling into town he won Progressive on Friday, the Pekingese Club of New Jersey specialty on Saturday, and the Pekingese Association of New York specialty on Sunday. Naturally, curiosity is running high. Fans flock around for a glimpse or a photo op of this magnificent creature as he lounges regally on his blue icepack looking supremely bored and utterly disdainful; and no one does that better than a Pekingese. You can almost imagine him thinking, “Another show, another win, when do we go home?” And just imagine what that must be like. He probably spends the day perched on a big, fancy, satin cushion with long red silk tassels while two personal attendants fan him with palm fronds and convey his silver-plated, engraved bowl heaped with slivers of filet mignon that, depending on his mood, may or may not tempt his finicky palate.

Time for some myth-busting because we’ve got an inside source… David Fitzpatrick, breeder, owner, handler and roommate of Chucky. Yes, that’s his call name, which pretty well blows his intimidating, unapproachable image right from the get-go. According to David, the name wasn’t inspired by the horror movie. David says, “Chuck Winslow died shortly before he was born and this puppy had such a bold attitude from the start. His swagger and style really reminded me of Chuck.” But David also admits that the other Chucky sometimes seems more fitting. He continues, “He’s never really been a typical Pekingese. I guess you could say he is selectively Pekey.”

Now we’re getting down to the nitty-gritty truth. What exactly is Chucky all about? For one thing he’s never been picky about his food. David describes him as a voracious eater. As for that staid, regal demeanor, it’s all an act. “Sometimes I almost drop him when I go to pick him up because he goes wild flipping and spinning.” If that’s not undignified enough, get this: Chucky runs around the house PLAYING WITH TOYS!

To prove this incomprehensible claim, David begins pulling a whole menagerie of cute, little squeaky toys from every pocket. (For the record, he’s not gaining weight. That’s why he looks a bit overstuffed in the ring.) Chucky’s favorite toy happens to be a little Chihuahua doll David found at Crufts. Apparently, Chucky’s way of demonstrating his fondness for this cherished plaything has been to slowly rip its little head off. Just two threads held it’s nearly severed head in place by Sunday. Hmm…maybe he really is more like his evil namesake.

Let’s hope it stays attached for a couple more days. Chucky heads into Westminster today and if you see him on the bench looking all snooty and pretentious, don’t be fooled.

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Posted by on Feb 14 2017. Filed under Breaking News, Editorial. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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