Honoring Judge, Breeder, Handler Roger Madec
Life long Parisian, Roger Madec, oddly did not grow up with a dog. As a youth, apartment life did not allow pets yet he yearned for a dog. He acquired his first Cavalier in 1986 and his first English Toy Spaniel in 2006. He attributed much of his canine knowledge to his mentors, Danielle Marchand and Daniel Olivier (Marliviers kennel). In his words, “these were the people who pointed me in the right direction. I learned so much from them and I always will be grateful.” With his first litter of Cavaliers born in 1988, he began showing in 1994.
After two decades of breeding champions, his interests turned towards judging. Initially, he qualified to judge Cavaliers and then moved on to the Toy group. His other favorite breed to judge is the French Bulldog. He was an international judge.
He expressed that champion qualities of a Cavalier are well-proportioned with a typical beautiful head and large dark eyes. A bad topline, sloping croup and small eyes with a hard expression were major faults. He advocated that breeders strive to eliminate poor croups and poor ear placement that are either set too low or too far back on the head.
In France, the wholecolors, tricolors and Blenheim Cavaliers are judged separately. If a Judge is not as familiar with evaluating a Ruby or Black and Tan compared to the party colors, judging them in separate classes may identify wholecolor champions. He stated that the overall quality of the wholecolor Cavaliers had vastly improved.
His advice to novice exhibitors is: “Make sure your Cavalier is well trained for conformation. Even the most beautiful and sound Cavalier cannot win if not well trained. Watch and study professional or experienced handlers and learn from them.”
His other interests in Cavalier events include agility and musical heel work. Outside the fascinating world of dogs, Judge Madec enjoyed gardening and studying nature.
The untimely passing of Roger Madec was tragic. He will be remembered for his kind nature and dedication to the Cavalier breed.
Barbara E. Magera, MD (Caracaleeb)
Charleston, SC.
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