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Table Talk · July 5, 2023

Table Talk · July 5, 2023


Happy 4th of July to one and all! For many this weekend represents the second weekend of 4- and 5-day clusters starting in Oklahoma and winding through Texas.  Some will “tag” in and out of this road trip. They’ll attend shows in other parts of the country some weeks and hit the shows on the “Texas Trek” other weeks. This many shows in four weeks is difficult, but we are a tough crowd, and we will do just fine!!  Wherever your travels take you this summer, please remember to pace yourselves, and keep an eye on the dogs in your care.  Remember, they cannot tell you no.  All they can do is demonstrate that they are tired and need a break.  Be cognizant of how you feel and don’t forget your canines feel equally or more exhausted.  A little bit of TLC goes a long way for humans and dogs!  Good luck to everyone, and here’s hoping you have a little fun with friends along the way.

Kate Berry, who  tragically lost her husband Mike to a heart attack recently has the following message for her dog show family:

“Touching base with everyone as I realize I have been pretty MIA…Aiden and I are doing as well as can be expected. We have good days and bad.  I’ve been busy with paperwork, trying to figure out life and spending time with Aiden and my mom who flew out to spend a week with us.  I’m thankful for our many friends who continually check up on us.  Whether I can respond or not, I am grateful for everyone’s support, and the dogs for just forcing us to smile at their antics and provide comfort when needed.  I apologize that I have not responded to everyone.  This has been physically and emotionally exhausting.”

Hang in there, Kate!  We are all here for you and look forward to having you and Aiden back amongst us when you are ready.

Last week I wrote about Konner Wayne, a young man from Mississippi who has Muscular Dystrophy and is stealing the hearts of fanciers around the country.  Although he is fairly new to the sport of purebred dogs, Konner is already trying to help others follow their dreams!  Konner has reached out to fanciers about his friend Yalinda Lopez who has a similar disability, and who is exploring the sport, as well. He’s encouraging folks to give her the welcoming support he is receiving!  Go Konner, and go Yalinda!

Congratulations to Anna Gracie who is starting her new gig as Manager of Sponsorships for the Westminster Kennel Club this month.  Many of us know Anna from her previous roles with Westminster.  After a short hiatus, Anna is back!  Best wishes for a great future with Westminster, Anna!

As fanciers, we all have a responsibility to report egregious, un-sportsmanlike behavior to the authorities if we witness it.  I think it’s most important to report suspicion of neglect or mistreatment of our beloved canines so it can be investigated before a dog is harmed.  I am begging you to follow through.  Don’t take to social media or talk about your suspicion or observations with others. Go to the show chair and report it and know that you will need to write what you witness to make your concerns valid.  If you don’t feel the show chair addressed your concerns, follow up with the AKC.  We are not doing our canine friends any favors by “going soft” and refusing to be a witness.  Remember, the dogs are counting on us!!

A celebration of life in memory of Lauren Arch will be held on July 23, 2023 from 1-6pm at the American Legion Hall #59, Main Street, Fredonia, NY.  Please RSVP if you plan to attend:  716-523-2473.  The Arch’s would like to pay it forward by setting up the Lauren Arch Memorial Art Scholarship fund.  Those interested can contribute through their gofundme campaign.

Our friends Robin and Ken Greenslade are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary!  May the two of you have many more wonderful years ahead!

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week are:  Bob Busby, Christian Rutten, Laura King, Toshi Omura and Ron Spritzer.  Make it a great one, my friends!

Be around the light bringers, the magic makers, the world shifters, the game shakers. They change you, break you open, uplift and expand you. They don’t let you play small with your life.  These heartbeats are your people, these people are your TRIBE!

May each of you follow your dreams, achieve your goals, and enjoy your journey!  I look forward to seeing you at the end of the Texas Trek in Houston.  Be safe and be well.  Until next time…

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