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Table Talk · October 26, 2022

They say only the good die young. Sadly the loss of our friend, Professional Handler Jamie Donelson, this past week validates that saying. Our dog family is mourning the loss of Jamie who passed away suddenly. She was a bright light in our family of dog lovers. She had an infectious smile and was kind to everyone. She was only 39 years old. Fanciers will celebrate Jamie’s life this coming Saturday, October 29th by wearing Pink and Pearls at the shows. There will also be a celebration of Jamie’s life this Saturday at the Queensboro Kennel Club in West Springfield, Massachussetts at noon.  A beautiful bright light has been dimmed, and we must remember Jamie for her kindness and love of all. She will be sorely missed by all who had the pleasure of having her in their lives.

Make that call. Talk to an old dog pal just to say hello. Life is very short, so take the time to call a friend and let them know you are thinking of them. With so many losses in our sport this year, we should all be cognizant of the good fortune we have to be part of such a huge family of those who are passionate about dogs. (Thank you, Billy Miller, for the reminder!)

 cAt the most recent AKC Board meeting, several changes were approved. Foreign judges will be allowed to judge 16 all breed AKC dog shows instead of the current 8. The policy, effective immediately, will continue the policy of not limiting the number of specialties foreign judges can judge.

A new offense has been added to the disciplinary guidelines effective November 1, 2022.  Clubs, Superintendents and Show Secretaries should contact the AKC Compliance Department if exhibitors stop payment on a check after the show closing date. Notification should be made in writing to AKC Compliance and it should include the signed entry form, notice of stop payment and any other relevant documentation. Compliance will then investigate the matter.

The policy affecting AKC judges has been revised to allow judges to apply for additional breeds after three months. The previous time frame was 6 months.

This past weekend at the Harvest Moon Cluster fanciers gathered to celebrate the life of Linda Souza. I have been told by many that attended the gathering that it was beautiful.

Entries are open for the Kennel Club of Palm Springs! Get your entries in now! Entries close at noon on December 14th at the offices of Jack Bradshaw, Show Superintendent, one week earlier than normal. Don’t miss one of the most beautiful, well-run shows in the country!!

Healing thoughts to Ridgeback fancier Michelle Michael who is recovering from surgery after a recent breast cancer diagnosis. Michelle, I know you are a fighter, and you’ve got this! I look forward to seeing your beautiful smile soon when you return to shows. In the meantime, I know your husband, Eduardo, and your dogs are taking great care of you!

Family, friends and many in the sport of dogs are mourning the passing of Pat Hastings after a valiant fight against cancer. Sincere condolences go out to Pat’s family. She will be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her.

After decades of photographing thousands of winning show dogs, Randy Roberts is retiring from show photography! There will be a retirement party Saturday, December 3 at the Clark County Kennel Club show. Randy’s skill behind the camera will be missed, but let us hope we still see him at shows now and then. Best wishes for a happy retirement, my friend!!

Cindy Vogels is certainly a road warrior!! After judging three full days in Henderson, Nevada, Cindy made the long journey to Vietnam for a judging assignment where she joined David Miller who was there to give a seminar in addition to judging. The trip was not all work for David and Cindy. They were treated to a lovely tour of HaLong Bay and took in some incredible sites. Their hosts were most gracious and did not miss any details. Safe travels home, my friends!

Happy Anniversary to Kristin and John Lyons and Janice Hayes and Eric Ciceron. May you lovebirds enjoy many more happy, prosperous years together filled with love for each other.

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week are: Keith Pautz, Diane McGarvey, Melissa Engelking, Michael Brantley, Andrew Mueller, Debbie Burke Scott, Jinece Rees, Linda Clark, Lee Whittier, Susan Olsen and Andrea Montgomery. Make it a great one, my friends!

The thought of the week is in memory of our friend Jamie Donelson:  Grief is the last act of love we have to give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love.

Take the time to reach out to those you love and tell them how much you care about them because tomorrow is not promised.

Be safe, be kind and be helpful. My love to you all!  Until next time…

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