Remembering Eric Ringle
The Canine Chronicle received the sad news that Mr. Eric Ringle of Lake Worth, Florida passed away yesterday, May 18th 2021. Mr. Ringle was a longtime respected judge of all Sporting, Working and Herding breeds.
Mr. Ringle’s involvement in the sport of purebred dogs spanned over 50 years. Before embarking on his successful judging career, he was a professional handler specializing in Great Danes. As a handler, he enjoyed great success piloting over 100 Great Danes to their championship and handling several #1 Dogs. Following his handling career, he worked for the American Kennel Club as an Administrator of Judges Education and was part of the team that produced the first Breed Standard Videos for the AKC.
As a judge, his assignments took him to some of the most prestigious venues, including the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show and National Specialties.
The sport of purebred dogs has lost a kind friend. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him.
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