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Table Talk · October 28, 2020


Remember about 4 months ago or so when everyone just wanted to get back to a dog show?  Most agreed that we would do whatever was necessary in order to return to doing what we all love so much.  After living through these crazy times, I believe you will agree with me that we all found out that we took dog shows for granted; and most people are very grateful that we have been able to return to the sport we all love.  Many clubs are busting their behinds to satisfy health department requirements and provide a safe show environment for fanciers.  There is a small contingent of folks that are making negative comments, being harsh to show committee volunteers, and being unkind.  Please remember you have an option to stay home.  Flexibility, kindness and appreciation will go a long way in these challenging times.  I would like to thank each and every person who has stepped forward to help our sport get back on track.

It was only a matter of time before a COVID-19 case was reported at a dog show, and I’m afraid that time has come.  A handler tested positive for COVID-19 after the second day of the Doswell, Virginia shows.  For more information, you can check out the Table Talk Live news update on caninechronicle.tv.  I will be interviewing Chris Berg about how the cluster dealt with this situation for a Table Talk Live segment in the very near future.  Congratulations to all of the volunteers in Doswell for keeping everyone safe and practicing as many precautions as possible.

The Clermont County Kennel Club has been made aware of a single COVID-19 case by an individual that attended the Boxer Regional and the following all-breed Clermont County Kennel Club shows in Wilmington, Ohio last weekend.  It is not known where the individual contracted the virus, it could have been before, during or after the show.  The Kennel Club asks anyone who may test positive to please notify them as soon as possible.

The above cited cases are the very reason why we are practicing the COVID-19 guidelines at the show.  Practicing social distancing, frequent hand sanitizing, and wearing masks will prevent the spread of the virus within our community.  We CAN and WILL be safe while doing what we love to do!

There was skepticism amongst many regarding the Vancouver Kennel Club shows which were held this past weekend in Vancouver, Washington.  Some were concerned about the strict adherence to 50 people per building at any one time, and how it would work.  Lee Whittier worked very hard to hold the first indoor cluster in the Pacific Northwest since the COVID-19 shutdown began.  Many volunteers banded together to ensure that the cluster ran smoothly, and the safety of all fanciers was the priority.  Congratulations to Lee and all volunteers for a job well done!  You have paved the way for indoor shows in the Pacific Northwest!

I am sure that all of you are as excited as I am about the Westminster Kennel Club 2021 show which has been rescheduled to June 12-13, 2021 at the Lyndhurst Estate in Terrydale, New York.  Wow!  Westminster – outdoors – in the summer!  I’d like to send out a huge thank you to all involved for thinking outside the box and demonstrating flexibility so we can enjoy what will be a history making event!  I cannot wait to see everyone there.

Prior to the shutdown, those involved with the Central Indiana and Hoosier Kennel Clubs moved their shows back one week to the first week of February to avoid the impact Westminster had on their weekend shows in years past.  Somehow, the Oakland Kennel Club and Livonia Kennel Club shows in Novi, Michigan also rescheduled on the same dates.  While the mileage requirement is not a factor, these are two significant clusters in the same general area.  It is my understanding that these two clusters did not know that they were scheduling their shows on the same dates.  In my humble opinion, the AKC should have notified the clusters that they were scheduling the same dates to enable the clubs to try to come up with an alternative date.  It is my sincere hope that they will be able to work this out and both clusters will not be held on the same weekend.  These are great clusters that deserve every opportunity to succeed.

The hotel blocks for the AKC National Championship and lead-up shows in Orlando in December have opened.  If you have not yet booked your room, now is the time!

Those that were trying to enter the Orlando shows before the National Championship show experienced frustration with system overload and system errors on the infodog.com website.  In addition, there have been many broken links to club information, etc.  Those using that site may want to consider having a back-up resource.

Healing thoughts to Elizabeth Salewsky who is recovering from a broken rib and bruised neck from an on-the-job injury.  Thanks for serving and protecting us (and making us laugh), Elizabeth!  Heal quickly!  The next Cromicles scene will be up as soon as Crom is done taking care of Elizabeth!

Happy anniversary to Michael Faulkner and Michael Rawlings!  I hope the two of you celebrate in style.  May you have many more, happy healthy years to come.

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Melissa Engelking, Michael Brantley, Juliet Clendenon, Andrew Mueller, Debbie Burke Scott, Lee Whittier, Linda Clark, Anna Gracie and Kathy Bilicich-Garcia.

My thought for this week is:  Ships don’t sink because of the water around them.  Ships sink because of the water that gets in them.  Don’t let what is happening around you get inside and weigh you down!

Be safe out there, everyone!  I look forward to seeing you soon!  Be well.  Until next time…

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Posted by on Oct 28 2020. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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