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Kennel Marketing – Part 5

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100 – August, 2016


“Colors, shapes, arrangement and the variation of all these determine the first impression we make. The creation of a unified design is a complex task, especially if we wish to make an impression.”

What is design and what do we want to use it for?

Design is just like marketing: we refer to it a lot, yet we rarely know what it really means. Design basically means that we use an object to its full potential. While keeping its basic function, it will have an aesthetically appealing look. For instance, a chair has good design if it looks nice and is comfortable. So design, even if it is a term used for looks, does not only include outward appearance. It does have a meaning that points further.

Design is present in marketing and is connected to aesthetic looks. Seemingly, that is. What is our goal? It is to attract attention and communicate with a purpose. Good design might alleviate or create this communication.

If you think it over, we are mainly talking about the internet; our website, etc.. This is mainly based on visual appearance, just like pictures. A website, in addition to pictures, has text, colors, and even the font is important. These design elements create a full picture which will make a certain impression, and it does matter what this impression is like. If your design is good, your style will be evident by just looking at your website, business card or the pictures on your Facebook profile. If your communication is clear, presented properly and has a consistent design, the result will be your kennel identity presented in images.

A well-established image is an important PR element. Big companies often use different design books which contain the color of the walls of the office and the style of the receptionist’s clothes. Design is a part of the brand, just like the name of your kennel. Whether we like it or not, we judge by appearances. This refers to the appearance and the judgement of your kennel, too.

Design is complicated. The choice of colors and color combinations is essential. Different colors have different effects on people. Supplementary graphic elements are important, too. Strange as it may sound, fonts are of great importance,

Small wonder graphic design is a skill, as it requires creativity. If you wish to use good design elements, find an expert. You might ask them to plan the complete design of your kennel. Look at their references and tell them about
your kennel, the values and ideas you represent, and the image you wish to convey. If they do a good job, they will design a campaign that is an image of you. Make sure you read this carefully even if it is not you that does the graphic design. If you come up with an idea for your business card full of pictures of your dog’s head, six different fonts and eight colors, the graphic designer will probably say no. Don’t be offended. They are correct.

Click here to read the complete article
100 – August, 2016

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