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An Interview With Chayo Kennel

August 2012

by Kerry Rushby

Sue Ellis is a top winning breeder, exhibitor, handler and judge of Alaskan Malamutes in the UK. Her passion for Malamutes started when her ex-husband decided to buy her a Malamute as her companion. Her story begins with that serendipitous pairing.

Hawkams Action Annie at Chayo aka Tara was her first Malamute. Tara’s breeder informed Sue that she should try and have a go at showing her young girl at some shows. It was from this moment that Sue never looked back. Thankfully she didn’t, as the results have been phenomenal for this single-handed, multi-talented breeder and exhibitor. It is because of Sue’s hard work and dedication to this breed that the popularity of Alaskan Malamutes in the UK has increased over the last decade. Since Chayo became involved in Malamutes, history has been made and records have been broken, and no other kennel except Chayo have achieved this.

For Chayo, this kennel is by far the most successful Alaskan Malamute kennel in the history of the UK. Expert breeding has lead to producing top quality Malamutes in the show ring and on the working field. In her years as a breeder, handler, and judge, Sue Ellis, the sole owner and creator of CHAYO has achieved the following: Top UK Malamute Breeder 2011, Top UK Malamute 2011, Top UK Malamute Brood Bitch 2011, Top UK Working Group Brood Bitch 2011. Chayo is home of Top World & European Winning Malamutes as well as Top UK Winning Malamutes. The kennel has produced winners of 7 UK Championships, 47 Challenge Certificates, 2 UK BIS All Breeds, 2 RBIS All Breeds, 1 RBIS Working & Pastoral Breeds, 5 RBISS Specialty Shows, 1 BPISS Specialty Show, 1 BPIS Working & Pastoral Breeds, 22 Group 1 wins. 54 Group Placings, 1 JW Title, 2 ShCM Titles, and 148 Best of Breeds (UK Championship Shows).

Sue is the owner, breeder and handler of the UK’s first three Champions, the UK’s first Dog Champion, as well as the first Bitch Champion. She is also the UK’s first Breeder to have two litter siblings with Challenge Certificates. The first Malamute to win a Best in Show at an All Breeds (CC) Championship Show is from Chayo.

As you can see, Chayo has been the dominant Malamute in the UK over the past several years. Based on the youngsters coming up the ranks, it appears the future is bright for this thriving program.

Sue’s start with the breed was auspicious to say the least. Tara was the UK’s first Reserve Best in Show winner all breeds in the UK in 2001. Not long after Tara, she was soon accompanied by Bassbarr Kool Kustomer at Chayo, aka Tiko, who was bred by the famous Basset Hound breeder, Bill O’Loughlin. Sue soon decided to import a female from her friend in Canada, Maureen Anderson. The bitch was Keikewabics Chayo Chyna. She was the foundation bitch of Chayo and with her fantastic Canadian and American bloodlines, mated to Tiko, she produced the first UK and International Champion, Ch. Chayo Blue Thunder. Blue became the top winning Malamute in the show ring. He was also as a prolific sire in the UK going on to produce successful grandkids. This is not just at Chayo. Other kennels have his great grandkids with CC winning dogs by him.

Blue was the Number 1 Malamute in the UK from 2003 to 2006, Top Stud (sire of CC winners in the UK) in 2006 & 2007 and, as a puppy, Top Puppy in Breed in 2002. He is the winner of 3 Group 1s, 7 Group 2’s, 5 Group 3’s and 8 Group 4’s. Blue was also Best of Breed at Crufts in 2005.

I was amazed whilst doing this interview how surprised Sue, herself, was at all she had achieved in a short time. Her story is inspirational for all aspiring breeders.

KR: Was the Malamute the first breed of dog you owned as a show dog?

Sue Ellis: Yes…..the first dog I had ever had, let alone a show dog! I knew nothing about showing dogs.

KR: What made you choose the Alaskan Malamute?

Sue Ellis: I really liked the look of the Malamute and I was intrigued about their character.

KR: Did you study the breed well before getting involved in showing and breeding?

Sue Ellis: No, because my first dog was originally as a companion and I just happened to start showing as the breeders thought it would be a good idea.

KR: Did you have any guidance from anyone at the time you were researching into the breed? What points did you look out for?

Sue Ellis: I had no guidance from anyone as I actually didn’t do any research. ?I just jumped right in!

KR: Your first Malamute was Hawkams Action Annie at Chayo. What success did this Tara bring you, in the whelping box and the show ring?

Sue Ellis: Tara did really well for Malamutes in her day with a RBIS at a UK W&PB Championship Show and Champion Show Group Placings. In the whelping box she produced a CC winning bitch, Chayo Vanilla Ice.

KR: The top winning Malamute in the UK before CC status and during the first few years of CC status was your own boy, Ch. Chayo Blue Thunder. Tell us the story about Blue? In the ring and as a sire?

Sue Ellis: From the moment ‘Blue’ arrived he just screamed ‘special’. Many other well-respected breeders looked at the litter and they all said the same thing, ‘that one – he stands out from all the others!’.  My Baby Blue went on to be an outstanding showman. He was primarily a house dog and my ‘once-in-a-lifetime dog’. He has gone on to be an incredibly influential and dominant sire that has stamped his quality and type on his progeny. People still say around the ring, ‘that’s a Blue baby’ or a ‘Blue relation’. In his time, Blue was the top winning Malamute in the UK and obviously the first Malamute to become a UK Champion.

KR: Blue’s father, Tiko, Bassbarr Kool Kustomer at Chayo, was bred by Bill O’Loughlin who is famous for his Bassbarr Basset Hounds. How did Tiko become a part of your family?

Sue Ellis: Tiko became part of the family as I wanted a male to show originally. I bred him to Tara and that produced quite nicely but felt I needed something extra. Therefore, I imported ‘Chyna’ Keikewabic’s Chayo Chyna just for him. She herself did quite nicely in the show ring, but the greatest claim to fame for both these lovely dogs would be producing ‘Blue’.

KR: Tell us more about Tiko’s success?

Sue Ellis: Tiko was my foundation dog. He came to me as an 8 week-old puppy. He had a great show career being a multiple Best of Breed Winner and a Group Winner at Championship Show level. He was retired in 2001. He was the sire of the first UK and International Champion and also the grandsire of three other Champions. He was a sweet, loving and incredibly dignified boy with the most fantastic temperament and was the King of Chayo until the end. He had a fabulous record: 1x Working Group 1, 4x Best of Breed, 6x Reserve Best Dog, 5x Best Puppy in Breed, Best Puppy in Breed at Crufts 1999, BPIB and WPG 4 at St. Patricks Day Show 1999. Tiko is the sire of Ch/Int Ch. Chayo Blue Thunder, the UK’s No. 1 Malamute in 2003, 2004, 2005 & 2006

KR: From all these achievements, what do you think it is that you have done that has given you such success?

Sue Ellis: I have consistently produced a specific type in generation after generation of Malamutes.

KR:?You have also had fantastic results in Europe. Please tell us about your record outside the UK.

Sue Ellis: Chayo has had 1 World Winner, 2 European Winners, 2 NL Winner, 5 International Champions, 1 American Grand Champion, 2 American Champions, 1 Irish Champion, 1 Junior Irish Champion, 1 Polish Champion, 1 Junior Polish Champion, 1 Icelandic Champion, 1 Dutch Champion, 1 Luxemburg Champion, 1 German Champion, 1 Chinese Champion, 1 Italian Junior Champion, 1 Colombian Junior Champion, 1 Sweden BIS All Breeds, 1 Sweden BIS 3 All Breeds, 1 Sweden BIS 4 All Breeds, 1 Iceland BIS 4 All Breeds, 1 Sweden BIS 5 All Breeds, 1 Netherlands BIS 6 All Breeds, 1 RBISS Belgium Specialty Show. There are a total of 33 CACIB’s gained with dogs bred by Chayo. 

KR: Also, Chayo is very successful with Working titles. Again, please tell us of your success in this field, away from the conformation ring.

Sue Ellis: We have had great success with Working Dog. Chayo has, to date, 7 Working Pack Dog (WPD) titles, 3 Working Team Dog (WTD) Titles, 1 Working Pack Dog Advanced (WPDA) Title, 2 Working Weight Pull Dog (WWPD) Title, 1 Working Weight Pull Dog Advanced (WWPDA) Title, and 1 Working Weight Pull Dog Excellent (WWPDX) Title.

KR: Sue, you are also a CC awarding judge in the UK. Have you judged outside of the UK yet? If so, tell us of your experiences abroad.

Sue Ellis: As of yet, I have not had the opportunity to judge outside the UK, but I have had the highest of honor to judge at Crufts in 2013. This is the best of honor for any breed judge. I am very much looking forward to this appointment. It is a once-in-a-lifetime goal.

KR: Have you any mentors that have guided you along the way and what advice or guidance have they given you which has helped?

Sue Ellis: I have spoken to numerous people along the way and have gathered information that has helped me with my overall view of the Alaskan Malamute. This has given me a clear picture of how I want to breed within my program.

KR: From all that you have achieved so far in Alaskan Malamutes, is there anything that you would like to achieve?

Sue Ellis: Best In Show at Crufts – every dog person’s dream! 

KR: What has been your biggest highlight so far in the world of dogs?

Sue Ellis: My boy Louis (Dom Perignon) winning Best In Show all breeds in the UK was special. Also, making Enzo (All Eyes on Me) into a UK Champion at the World’s best dog show, Crufts was memorable and never to be forgotten. Then the next is Blue becoming the first UK Champion; all the excitement at the show, then going on to win Group 2 and having that fabulous photo of Terry Thorn, Zena Thorn Andrews and Jack Bispham with Blue and myself which graced all the papers. This was a moment to remember! 

KR: And the most disappointing moment you have experienced?

Sue Ellis: I only regret that CC’s were not available to offer in our breed at the time that Tiko and Tara were being campaigned in the UK. With their success alone, they would have certainly gained their titles here in the UK. But I am thankful for the legacy they have left me. Their kids have done me exceptionally proud and I am grateful. 

KR: Do you have any exciting plans for the future that you would like to share?

Sue Ellis: I have recently imported some semen to use on my lines. I am excited about the prospect of an impending litter to some very old bloodlines. I can’t wait for them to be born. 

KR: If you could look back on your achievements and have the chance to change something, what would it be and why?

Sue Ellis: I wouldn’t change anything as I would never have learned from it.

KR: Aside from the world of dogs, have you got time for any other hobbies or activities?

Sue Ellis: No. My business (which is a very busy boarding kennel and cattery in the North West) and the time I spend on the dogs does not allow enough time for anything else.

KR: Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Sue Ellis: Champagne and Chocolates…hence the champagne litter and Truffle’s name  Ch Chayo Better Than Chocolate.

KR: Tell us something we don’t already know about you?

Sue Ellis: I used to be a champion roller skater and I was extremely successful at ballroom dancing.

KR: Where do you see yourself twenty years from now?

Sue Ellis: I like to think that I would still be involved within the breed regarding showing and breeding but hope to be judging more.

KR: How would you like to be remembered in the future?

Sue Ellis: As somebody who made a positive contribution to the breed and raised the profile of Malamutes in the show ring in the UK.

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