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Table Talk – 4/11/18

Many fanciers have been asking why some clubs would request that the show superintendent hold off on posting real-time results.  I believe the most common reason for this request would be that those shows would prefer to make it difficult for exhibitors to use this information to decide whether or not to attend that show based on the dogs that are in attendance.  The fact is that those that are “pushing” a dog and are traveling specifically for that dog will find this information one way or another (looking on our website or Facebook page, for example).

Those individuals who are attending shows for a reason other than pushing for number one can also find the information they want without looking it up on a superintendent’s website, or receiving daily email updates from a show superintendent or looking on The Canine Chronicle website or Facebook page.  While I respect that a club wants to protect this information in hopes of better attendance, I honestly do not think that holding back this information helps increase participation.  The truth of the matter, in my humble opinion, is there are simply too many dog shows.  Until the AKC agrees with this predicament, things will not change.  We as fanciers need to align our priorities with the well-being of our dogs, and our humans.  Sure, there are some dogs and some humans that thrive on being on the road for long periods of time, doing 12 shows in as many days and traveling between two clusters with no down time.  However, in my opinion, there are more dogs (and humans) that do better with a schedule that is not quite as hectic.  Those that take the more conservative route cannot expect to compete with those that have the greater fortitude, and should set goals accordingly.

I have had the pleasure of competing in this sport for many years.  In those years I have “played the game” both ways.  I have “pushed” with a goal of a top group dog, and I have taken the more conservative approach of trying to exhibit a quality example of the breed for people to see and learn from, but not necessarily with that “top dog” goal.  As I get a bit older and watch how our sport is changing, it gets more and more difficult for me to pack my dog up and put it on the road with the hopes I may see him/her a few times a quarter.  I have fewer dogs and I think I have become more sentimental in the last few years.  I get the same gratification of being awakened in the morning with a dog turning over for belly rubs as I do getting that big red, white and blue ribbon, or seeing my dog at the top of the group rankings.  That is not to say that I still do not enjoy competition and the sport, but my perspective has changed.  I do enjoy watching my friends’ successes, and following the careers of the beautiful animals who are making that climb, and I do feel very proud and happy when I get good news from the road.  What would be even better is if I could give my dog a big hug and celebrate those wins each time.  I do pay close attention to my dog when I go to see her in order to make sure that she is happy and having a good time.  I tell myself all the time, “she cannot say no”.

I try very hard to bring you guys accurate information.  Every once in a while signals get crossed, or I think I have verified information and somehow it still proves to be incorrect.  My most sincere apologies for announcing the death of Christina Hubbell.  While we did lose Chris’ husband, Steve, Christina has not passed away.  I am, however, very sorry to report that we have lost another long-time fancier as Francine Schwartz passed away this week.  Fran promised Bernie that she would be the last to go and, god bless her, she kept her promise.  Bernie passed away in June of last year and Fran said she kept her promise.  We will miss both Fran and Bernie. They were valuable contributors to our sport.

The fancy also lost another icon with the passing of Jim Smith of Absolutely Smooth Fox Terriers.  Jim touched so many lives in his 60-plus years in the sport of purebred dogs.  He also served on AKC’s Board of Directors. Our thoughts are with Jim’s family.  He will be sorely missed by all of us.

Our continued thoughts are with Barbara Hamilton Wagner as her husband, Jim, has moved into hospice.

Healing thoughts to our friend Lorraine Boutwell who fell and broke her hip last week.  We hope to see you back in the center of the ring soon my friend!

Patty Keenan will be off to Mexico City shortly for their National Week and gala Tournament of champions. Have a great trip!  I am sure you will see some outstanding dogs there.

Happy anniversary to Lori Wilson-Paust and Bobby Paust.  It seems just yesterday that you guys tied the knot!  May you have many more years of happiness and Whippets together!

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Doug and Michaelanne Johnson, Shea Skinner, Ken Murray, Norm Fargo, Ron Scott, Gwen DeMilta, Roxanne Chumbley, Robin Stansell, Brian Clegg, Melinda Lyon, Kayla Bruner, Aaron Wilkerson, Lynda Birmantas Beam, Benjie Marcus, Jodi Longmire and Dottie James.

Be careful in your travels my friends, and don’t forget to be nice to the new folks!  Until next time…

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Posted by on Apr 11 2018. Filed under Breaking News, Featured, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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