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BIS Result from Greater Racine KC







Show Name: Greater Racine KC

Location: Racine WI

Show Date: Sunday, August 12, 2012

Total Entry: 826 Dogs


Best In Show -

Judge: Mrs.Sue-Ellyn Rempel

Dog’s Reg. Name: GCh.Protocol’s Vini Vidi Vici

Breed: Doberman Pinscher

Handler: Jocelyn Mullins

Owner: Jocelyn & Kevin Mullins Suzy & Dick Lundy


Reserve Best In Show -

Dog’s Reg. Name: GCh.Jaset’s Satisfaction

Breed: Standard Poodle

Handler: Ann Rairigh

Owner: Beth Harris & Michele Molnar & Jamie Danburg


Group Judging -


Sporting Group: Judge’s Name:  Mrs.Judy Webb

1st: GCh.Renaissance Pink Chacha, Vizsla

2nd: Ch.Majestic Sweet Apple French Martini, English Cocker Spaniel

3rd: GCh.Littleriver Shoot For The Moon, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

4th: GCh.Star Flight Junpin jack Flash RN OA OAJ, Brittany


Hound Group: Judge’s Name:  Mrs.Judy Webb

1st: Ch.Tallyho The Time Of My Life, Harrier

2nd: GCh.Dunstan Tucker, American Foxhound

3rd: GCh.Topsfield-Sanchu Eenie Meenie Miney Moe, Basset Hound

4th: GCh.Hundeleben Queen’s Armada SL, Dachshund – Longhaired


Working Group: Judge’s Name: Ms.Beverly Capstick

1st: GCh.Protocol’s Veni Vidi Vici, Doberman Pinscher

2nd: Ch.Tugar’s America’s Most Wanted, Alakan Malamute

3rd: Ch.Nightline’s Viking At Tanglewood, Giant Schnauzer

4th: GCh.Rivergrove’s Star Sapphire, Great Pyrenees


Terrier Group: Judge’s Name: Mrs. Judy Webb

1st: GCh.Homebrewed Page Three Girl, Staffordshire Bull Terrier

2nd: GCh.Huntwood Spyglas Of Stone Ridge Tobylinn, Airedale Terrier

3rd: GCh.Itsy Bitsy Tanglewood Ranger, Norwich Terrier

4th: GCh.Meadowlake Simply Sinful, Border Terrier


Toy Group: Judge’s Name: Mrs.Sue-Ellyn Rempel

1st: GCh.Loujon Thornwood Little Jacob, English Toy Spaniel – B&PC

2nd: GCh.Gaga Lady De Aqlla, Chihuahua – Smooth

3rd: GCh.Pem We-Syng Lucky Mi, Japanese Chin

4th: Ch.Hallmark Jolei Bells Will Be Ringing, Shih Tzu


Non-Sporting Group:  Judge’s Name: Ms.Beverly Capstick

1st: GCh.Jaset’s Satisfaction, Standard Poodle

2nd: GCh.Gunther’s Gussied Up Edna, Boston Terrier

3rd: Anana’s Champagne Wishes, American Eskimo Dog

4th: GCh.Evergreen’s Miss Congeniality, Bulldog


Herding Group: Judge’s Name: Mr,Lloyd Graser Jr.

1st: Lockerhaus Cruz Director V Jada, German Shepherd Dog

2nd: GCh.Chargany’s Voyageur, Belgian Sheepdog

3rd: GCh.Barkshire’s Jim Dandy, Old English Sheepdog

4th: Ch.Ponwood’s Smoky, Polish Lowland Sheepdog



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