Bay Colony Dachshund Club (Show #2) – Friday, November 28, 2014
Bay Colony Dachshund Club (Show #2)
Friday, November 28, 2014
Worcester, MA
Judge: Mrs. Andra O’Connell
Best of Breed/Best of Variety Longhaired Dachshund: GCh. Stonybrook’s Phinito
Handler: Karen Mammano
Owner: T & B Durvin, R Gianopoulos & M Kepalas
Breeder: Robin Gianopoulos & Michele Kepalas
Best of Variety Smooth Dachshund: GCh. Rhill’s Out of The Ashes MS
Owner: Terri Frenia
Breeder: Terri Frenia
Best of Variety Wirehaired Dachshund – GCh. Brodney Schoolhouse Zachery
Owner: Frederick & Carol Vogel & Judy Anderson
Breeder: Frederick & Carol Vogel & Judy Anderson
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