Table Talk – November 1, 2017
It’s hard to believe that we are closing in on the end of another year! It seems that it was yesterday we just got started. Best wishes to those folks who are making that last push to reach the top of the breed or all-breed rankings!
The Wine Country shows in Northern California HAVE NOT been affected by the fires and will go on as planned. Our thoughts are with all of those that have been affected by the fires out there. Carla Sanchez was woken by her daughter in the middle of the night last week as the fires were getting dangerously close to her home. Fortunately, Carla had already prepped her RV and her Sprinter and she was able to get herself and her dogs to safety. We wish her well and hope any damage is minimal and she is able to return home soon.
Val Atkinson has offered her home and facility, Briarcliff Ranch and Briarcliff Pet Resort, to dogs and horses displaced by the recent fires. This is a great service to the canine community.
Sadly, the shows in Cleveland, Ohio and the shows in Rosemont, Illinois will be held on the same weekend–the weekend before the Orlando All Breed Shows and the AKC Championship shows. Both clusters have dwindled over the last several years and running concurrently with the National Championship certainly does not help their cause. A new addition to the Rosemont Cluster this year is the International Kennel Club of Chicago shows.
Mark your calendars my friends: the all-breed shows in Orlando close on November 22nd. The AKC Championship show closes a week earlier on November 15th. This is just two weeks from today!
The AKC recently suspended Craig Eugene for 15 years and fined him $5,000 for neglect. This judgment was handed down to Mr. Eugene after the death of multiple toy dogs left in his van during the Southeastern Iowa Kennel Club show in the July heat.
While perusing Facebook the other day, I read about owner/handlers having difficulty finding set-up space at all-breed shows. It seems that when show committee representatives assist these folks in finding space, neighbors are not always “neighborly”. This saddens me. I recognize that real estate at shows is at a premium, but being kind to the owner/handler exhibitor at shows is another way to extend that act of kindness we must all continue to demonstrate. If we lose these people due to some ‘exclusive’ mentality, our entries will continue to dwindle and this will further put our beloved sport at risk… A little kindness to your neighbor/fellow competitor goes a long way!
Five new judges were approved for permit status as published in the October AKC Gazette: Ms. Deborah A. Hubbard from Rhode Island for Golden Retrievers, Mr. Jeffrey Lentsch from New Jersey for Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Ms. Suzanne LeRoy from California for Border Collies, Ms. Patrice Loves from Pennsylvania for Golden Retrievers and Junior Showmanship, and Ms. Robin Reed from New Jersey for Collies and Junior Showmanship. Best of luck to each of you and may you have a long, successful judging career ahead!
Bouvier and Scottish Terrier fancier Pilar Kuhn will be undergoing cancer surgery next week. Pilar is always cheerful and kind and a joy to see at the shows on the West Coast. We wish you a speedy recovery and we wish you and your husband, Rodd Ott, well!
Pekingese fancier Gloria Blum from Dallas, Texas passed away on October 27th after an extended illness. Best wishes to her friends and family.
Kim and Angela Booth were off to France to meet Kim’s biological father and family and celebrate his father’s 83rd birthday. Kim found his father via Facebook with his daughter’s assistance. We hope you have a fabulous trip!
Connie Gerstner-Miller is off to Australia for three days of judging and some R&R! Safe travels my friend.
Clint Harris celebrated a very special 93rd birthday this past week. Happy birthday, Clint! We are so glad that you are feeling better and wish you many more happy years.
Also celebrating birthdays this week are: Susan Olsen, Andrea Montgomery, Kathy Bilicich-Garcia, Katherine Wurz-Smoot, Brenda Weiss, Alberto Montila (fondly known as Eldorado), Rebecca Pentecost (Becca, will you EVER catch up to me??), Christian Manelopoulos, David Williams, Hal Biermann and Ernesto Lara.
Travel safe my friends and please don’t forget that act of kindness.
Until next time….
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