Table Talk – June 5, 2019
June 5, 2019
It’s hard to believe that we are approaching the half-way mark of 2019 already! Summer clusters are in full swing, fanciers are making plans for summer vacations, and the “grind” for top rankings is heating up. As everyone strategizes and formulates their show schedules in their quest for the top, I hope you remember to take time to enjoy your friends–both canine and human. I am sure your friends would love to hear about your special trips, so please don’t forget to reach out to me with your vacation details!
I am off to Vallejo for Woofstock this week, and I’d love to visit with you if you are joining in the fun. Please stop by the Purina booth and see me!
The topic of measuring dogs has come up frequently over the last few weeks. For those inquiring, an individual cannot call for a wicket on their own dog. Further, some breed standards do not differentiate height based on age. Therefore, if you have a breed that has a size disqualification and your breed does not differentiate based on age, you CAN be measured out if your puppy’s height does not conform to your breed standard. If there is any question about your puppy’s size, it may be a good idea to get your hands on a wicket prior to going in the ring.
The entry for the Grayslake Cluster held in Grayslake, Illinois Wednesday, June 12 through Sunday, June 16th is up 950 entries over the five days! This is yet another sign that our sport continues to make a comeback. The Grayslake show committee continues to work very hard to recruit specialty clubs, and increase special events to draw as many entries as they can and it is paying off. Congratulations to all on a job well done!
The Ohio State University research team was recently awarded a grant from the AKC Canine Health Foundation to investigate infectious disease risks (e.g., dog flu) for dogs at group settings, such as conformation shows. Currently, there is little information available about infectious disease risks at dog events where many dogs are grouped together in one setting. This study will be a critical step toward better understanding disease risks and, most importantly, developing steps to reduce these risks and protect dog health. To participate in the survey, please follow this link: A summary of the results will be available at upon completion of the study. I encourage all to participate to help the OSU team with their research. The survey only takes about 5-10 minutes.
We are making plans for Table Talk Live! at Reliant Hall in Houston in July. If you are interested in helping out with our Breed Priority project, please reach out to me at I would also love to hear your ideas about special stories that you think would interest the fancy.
As temperatures begin to rise, please keep an extra eye on your dogs. It takes them a while to adjust to the heat so be sure to have cooling equipment and plenty of water with you ringside. We don’t want to have our canine (or human for that matter) friends overheat.
I was saddened to hear that Terrier fancier Mark George passed away last week. Our hearts go out to his wife Sally and his children, Luke and Edward. Mark will be sorely missed by the fancy.
Several of our friends are celebrating anniversaries this week including: Gabriel and Yvonne Rangel, who are celebrating 29 years of wedded bliss; Kris and John Benoit, who are celebrating 32 years together; and Luke and Rowan Baggenstos, who are celebrating 9 years as husband and wife. Finally, Linda and Dale Hurlebaus are also celebrating their wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary to all and may you have many more happy, healthy years ahead!
Celebrating birthdays this week are: Dennis Melear, Shawn Nichols, Janet Lange Moses, Judy Ellis, Scott Pfeil, Jean Austin, Jan Kolnik, Terry Chacon, Daniel Chavez and Jordan Olivera.
Please be safe in your travels, my friends, and take an extra minute to make a new exhibitor feel welcome! Until next time…
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