Table Talk – May 1, 2019
We regularly talk about how many dog shows there are week-in and week-out across the country. Many of our friends feel that there are too many dog shows, while there is a small percentage of exhibitors located in an “under-served” area with significantly fewer shows than in most other parts of the country. Oddly, on the West Coast this past weekend, which is not considered “under-served”, there were no dog shows – not one. I understand that the Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club will take this weekend next year and host their shows in Turlock, CA.
Last week I addressed the issue of when it was proper to report inappropriate behavior to the AKC Field Rep. A related issue came up this week concerning rude/inconsiderate behavior by a judge to an exhibitor, which was severe enough that the affected exhibitor has contemplated not returning to the ring. Hopefully, other fanciers have given this exhibitor sufficient confidence and reason to return, but when something like this occurs, the AKC Representative should be informed. Individuals should ALL be considerate toward each other regardless of whether they are a judge, an exhibitor, an official, or a spectator. The only way we can try to clean up the culture at dog shows is to hold our colleagues to a certain, minimum standard of conduct. Our sport, as competitive as it is, is still a social endeavor. People come to have fun, and when they stop having fun, they stop showing up.
Jay Richardson was in Changzhou, China, but he was not attending the World Dog Show. Jay judged the 6th East Diamond show, (China’s version of the US all-Champion Westminster Kennel Club) and spent 5 days over there. He reported that history was made when the first Portuguese Water Dog in China–being shown there for the first time–was awarded Best In Show. The PWD is American-bred. What an accomplishment! I wish you safe travels home, my friend, and congratulations on your assignment.
Congratulations to the South Hills Kennel Club who celebrated their 75th anniversary at the shows this past weekend in Morgantown, West Virginia. Their shows were held in conjunction with the Mountaineer Kennel Club. I heard it was a great circuit!
Erika Lanasa checked in to let us all know that she and her dogs are fine after she blew a tire traveling back from those same Morgantown shows. Once again fanciers stuck together as Jodi and Leonardo Garcini stopped by to check on Erika.
I was happy to hear that Skip Thielen was back center ring judging this past weekend in Ohio. Now cancer free, Skip has to be aware of weakness in his immune system for a while and he was sporting a “do not hug” rosette. We are so glad to hear he is on the mend and amongst his friends at the shows!
This year, the World Dog Show and other days of associated shows in Shanghai, China has a combined entry of 7,720 dogs representing 170 breeds. Among those of our American friends in attendance are Jay Serion, Bruce Schwartz, Rebecca Cross and Valerie Nunes-Atkinson.
Thank you to all that have reported National Specialty wins! Please keep it up so we can congratulate those who achieve this very special win. Congratulations to the following recent National Specialty Winners:
• CH. Sporting Fields Dashing Sand Dune – American Whippet Club
• GCH. Nuuktok’s Atka Inikshuk – American Eskimo Club of America
• GCH. Sidekick’s Life in the Fast Lane – Grand Basset Griffon Vendeén Club of America
• GCH. Wenshu in the Midnight Hour – Shih Tzu Club of America
• GCH. Silverwood’s Kiss of Fire at Limelite – United States Australian Shepherd Association
The Southern Handlers Charity League is once again organizing a fundraiser at the Memorial Day shows in Monroe, Louisiana. Please visit their Facebook page for more information.
Happy 59th wedding anniversary to Lowell and Arlene Davis! You guys must have been married as toddlers! May you lovebirds enjoy many more happy, healthy years together. I look forward to seeing you soon in Pomona for the Mission Circuit!!
Celebrating birthdays this week are: Grace Fritz, Kris Benoit, George Milutinovich, Alissa Welling, Doug Johnson, Carri Beaver and Cassie Clark.
Please remember my friends, act like the person you want to meet at the dog show! Be safe in your travels, and good luck! Until next time…
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