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Table Talk – July 25, 2018


While I could not make it to Houston this year, I was able to watch the live stream on AKC TV. I believe that live streaming is a great opportunity for outreach to the general public and I’m sure that the folks at AKC who are responsible for AKC TV are fine-tuning how they broadcast such events. The commentary on Friday included more information than the broadcast on Thursday, and I hope they continue to develop this programming and take advantage of the opportunity to educate the general public about purebred dogs. When I looked at the clock while watching Best In Show, it was 8:25 PM Central Time! With an entry of 2,024 dogs, I am not sure why group judging could not start until 4:45 PM. It is so tough on the people and the dogs when group judging starts so late.

As we all try to reach out to new, potential participants in the sport of purebred dogs, we need to understand how our behavior at dog shows affects our perception by the general public. I heard a story about family of spectators at the Houston show this past weekend that asked an exhibitor if they could take a photo of their dogs. They were abruptly told ‘No’. In my opinion, a better approach may have been to say something like, “I am sorry, but I am on the way to the ring right now. Why don’t you follow us over there and watch the judging, and we will take a photo when we are finished showing.” I understand how busy exhibitors are at the shows, but if we all try to take a minute to be kind and welcoming, it could really help with the public outreach so desperately needed to maintain and grow our sport.

I was happy to hear that Clint Harris is healing after his recent fall. It is reported that he is in good spirits and he would love to hear from his friends. If you would like to send a card, please send it to: Clint Harris, 141 Spring Meadow Lane, Louisville, KY 40243.

I am very sad to report the tragic loss of Mason Harper, son of Beth Gray Harper and David Harper, who passed away on Friday morning. Arrangements are being finalized for his funeral service planned for this Sunday. Healing thoughts to Mason’s mother, Beth, his father, David, and his family at this very difficult time.

David Krogh, AKC Judge of the Terrier, Toy and Non-Sporting groups passed away peacefully in his sleep this week. We extend our condolences to his wife, Sharon, his family and friends. Before judging, David and Sharon bred Miniature Pinschers under the K-Roc Kennel name.

I also received news of the passing former judge Glenda Dawkins. Glenda and her husband, Pete, were respected judges as well as hound and toy experts. Everyone who knew her will remember her kind demeanor and gentle smile that was graciously given to all. She will be missed.

Carol Noe has been to Beijing, China on a judging assignment. This was Carol’s second attempt as flight complications prevented her from going the first time she was invited. Carol was thrilled when she received a call two months after her first attempt with a second invitation to judge. It is nice to see that our Asian friends are so understanding about travel complications.

Celebrating birthdays this week are: Coreen Pacht, Judy Welch, Terri Giannetti, Stuart McGraw, Kyle Robinson, Rachel Wider and Laura Coomes.

Please be safe in your travels my friends and don’t forget to give me a shout about your upcoming trips, anniversaries, birthdays, and other news the fancy would love to hear about!

Good luck to all, and don’t forget to be kind to those around you. Until next time…

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