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Table Talk · August 5, 2020


What did I do this past week/weekend??  I went to a dog show!!!!  I have to admit I was a bit edgy about going to my first show in a long time; one that turned out to be the largest cluster of the year thus far, and by a large margin! Anyone who has been to the Steel Valley Cluster in Canfield, Ohio, knows that one of the things it is known for is the “iffy” weather.

There have been years where temperatures were in the upper 90s with high humidity, then the heavy rains come, and the end result is steamy, smelly mud!!!!  I checked the weather with great regularity for a few days prior to my departure and was surprised at the good weather forecast.  Since I am a Canfield veteran, I knew to pack my rain gear, and it is a good thing I did!

Thursday was an absolutely delightful day.  The sun was shining; in fact, it got a bit warm in the afternoon.  Friday was equally as beautiful with sunny skies.  The afternoon temperatures were warm, but pale in comparison to years past.  As one of our Table Talk Live! viewers said, it would not be Canfield without rain, and Saturday and Sunday held true to that statement.  The rain, however, was nothing compared to the past years with severe thunderstorms, lightning, high winds, etc.  The closest we got to severe weather this year was Sunday when the winds picked up, but not enough to necessitate a show delay.

Phil and Paula Thomas and the other cluster volunteers, including but not limited to Betty Jo Patterson and Elizabeth Nidy, did a fantastic job of persevering to make this cluster happen.  On behalf of the fancy, I’d like to thank each and every one of you who had a hand in its success!  Job well done, my friends!!

With record entries in excess of 3,500 dogs, state health department COVID-19 regulations were put in place and enforced.  The show layout from recent years was modified to accommodate social distancing, including not using any indoor buildings and reducing vendor space to enable 30 rings to be appropriately spaced.  Separate entrance and exits were implemented for each ring, with clearly marked spacing inside rings and outside rings.

It is unfortunate that Phil and the other volunteers had to continue to take time away from their already full plates to stop rumors that the show was cancelled and address individuals who felt it necessary to communicate inaccurate information.

The best thing we as a fancy can do to support hard working volunteers who are trying to organize a show is to not participate in rumormongering.  If you have a question about whether or not a show is going to occur, contact the show chair directly and do not communicate any information relating to cancellations.  Leave that dreaded task to the show committee.

It was amazing to see so many fanciers happy to be back in the ring.  At times, the check-in line to get in the grounds–early in the week–reached 2 hours, but everyone was very patient and waited their turn to enter what turned out to be a truly awesome event!

The Mahoning County Health Department did attend the cluster and the shows received an A+ rating!  Thank you to the exhibitors, volunteers, and judges for adhering to the guidelines and following the rules.  Your diligence and cooperation helped make this event a huge success.  With several successful clusters under our belt, and no known positive COVID-19 cases, we have demonstrated our ability as a fancy to do what’s necessary to safely and successfully hold and attend dog shows.  The fancy as a whole deserves a huge pat on the back for their cooperation and flexibility.  Welcome back one and all and let us continue to do what we love.

I was extremely disappointed to hear that someone felt it necessary to crop a ringside photographer’s photographs to give the appearance that the show was not in compliance with the COVID-19 guidelines.  As someone that was in attendance all four days, I can assure you this is not the case.  There was not a time while I was on the show grounds that I did not feel safe.  To the contrary, sporting my mask and maintaining my 6-foot distance, we were able to bring you entertaining, informative coverage of the cluster via Table Talk Live!  If you missed our segments, you can view them on the the Canine Chronicle TV website at  I’d like to give a special shout-out to Elizabeth Salewsky, Corey Smalley and, of course, Crom the Corso, for their help with our Table Talk Live! coverage.  You guys were truly amazing and made our coverage a lot of fun!

Attendance at dog shows is not mandatory. Everyone should do what they feel is best for them, personally.  Some will decide they prefer to stay home from shows for the near-term, and they should not be judged for that decision.  Some have confidence that attending shows safely is possible, and they should not be judged for that decision either.  Please, my friends, let us all support each other and continue to demonstrate that we can work together to modify our practices so we can continue to hold shows during this pandemic.  We have certainly demonstrated that IT CAN BE DONE!

Several fanciers had planned a few show weekends in a row in Ohio, but that was not in the cards at this time.  The Lorain County shows this coming weekend felt it necessary to cancel, and the Lima shows had to reschedule due to a spike in cases in Allen County.  The Western Ohio Summer Cluster has now been rescheduled for October 2, 3 & 4 at the Lima showgrounds.  Those individuals who wish to cancel their entries and receive a refund less the administrative fee should put their cancellation in writing and send to  Please note no cancellations will be taken over the phone.  Cancellations will be accepted from August 1–August 15, 2020.  If entries are not canceled by this time, they will be carried over to the new show dates!  The new premium list for the rescheduled show will be posted at on August 16 and entries will be accepted beginning at 10 AM on August 19th.  The closing date for the shows is September 16, 2020 or when the 1,250 dog limit is reached.  Please note that entries for the previously scheduled show closed four hours after they opened!

Our most sincere condolences go out to Tabatha Buckley-Bettis on the loss of her grandfather.  Tabatha has shared many fond memories of him, and he looks like he was a wonderful man.  May his memory continue to give you comfort, Tabatha. We know you miss him.

I was saddened to hear of the passing of Mildred Bryant last week at the age of 98.  Milly bred Cairn Terriers, Lhasa Apso, Sealyham Terriers, Dachshunds and Doberman Pinschers under the Milbryan Kennel name.  She began her judging career in 1969.  She was loved by all who knew her.  I always enjoyed showing to Milly.  She will be sorely missed by the fancy.

Happy Anniversary wishes go out to Josh Hargis and Jean Gauchat-Hargis, Juliet and Dave Clendenon, and Nancy and David Foley.  May you all enjoy love and happiness for many years to come, my friends.

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Greg Myers, Dale Kaplan, Lisa Miller, Galyna Maier, Gustavo Molinari, Cheryl Paterson, Brian Almojera, Taffe McFadden, Shane Hooper, Susie Sosne, Rebecca Arch, Chris Nethery, Lynn Myer, Christine Smith and Kathy Garcia.

Please be safe out there my friends!  Mask up, keep your distance, show and go, and support fellow fanciers regardless if they are at home or at shows!

Please remember this virus may be horrible, but the disease of hatred is even more deadly!

It was great seeing many of you last week, and I look forward to seeing you soon down the road!  Until next time….

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Posted by on Aug 5 2020. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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