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Table Talk · August 14, 2024

Table Talk · August 14, 2024


It is not over yet, my friends! There is one more month of summer left. If you are like me, the return of Pumpkin Spice Latte, while yummy, is a sign we are close to saying goodbye to summer for another year–and that makes me sad because it’s my favorite season.

There are still a few popular summer clusters on the schedule, such as Santa Barbara in Southern California, the Bluegrass Cluster held at the beautiful Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, and Westchester in New Jersey. Kids are returning to school, and for some handlers this means the summer assistant leaves. It also means the flexibility to attend shows and bringing the kids is no longer an option for some. Before we know it, we will be making plans for the AKC National Championship week in December. Speaking of Orlando, the room blocks at the Hyatt and Hilton have opened, so if you have not yet made your hotel reservations, I suggest you do so soon!

If you have not yet had the opportunity to read my friend Wayne Cavanaugh’s article, “Houston, Seminars, and Hurricanes” (, Wayne gives great perspective while describing what it takes to put on an advanced judges learning institute.  More importantly, I loved his description from the dog’s eyes. We often forget we are not the only “creatures of habit”. Imagine being taken into a small conference room where 10, 15, or even 20 people put their hands on you instead of one person–and instead of gaiting in front of one person, you are moving in front of or–even worse yet–toward a group of people! It is critical to have good dogs with experienced handlers for a successful judge’s education seminar.  I believe it is an element of the education programs that is critical. If you are willing to have your dog used for something like this, please be sure, if you cannot attend yourself, that you send your dog with an experienced handler that the dog knows. Thank you to one and all that have and continue to participate in the judge’s education process. It is critical to developing knowledgeable judges!

Under the Sun Dog Training held their first “Day with the Pro’s” learning opportunity this past weekend at their facility in Colorado Springs. Colton and Heather Johnson and Clint and Karen Livingston were the instructors, and I hear a good time was had by all. Thank you for taking time on a rare weekend off to provide this learning opportunity to our up-and-coming exhibitors! It is programs like this that will keep our sport thriving.

Those fanciers who are interested in learning breed standards should consider perusing the Breed Standard Library Facebook page and Breed Standard website. I don’t know about you, but there are times I watch a breed being judged and wonder what the breed standard states about size, gait, topline, and even coat. We all have room to expand our knowledge, and this is an additional resource to look up the breed standards on the AKC website (which is best navigated using Google, believe it or not!). Thank you to Bob Eisele for your efforts.

As mentioned in my previous column, there is a three-week hiatus from shows in Southern California. While many Californians and West Coasters have opted to travel to Enumclaw, Washington for nine shows, Jorge and Susie Olivera, Amy Rutherford and Val Atkinson opted for a wonderful African Safari! Have fun, my friends. Keep those wonderful photographs coming!

AKC Judges John Ramirez and Ed Fojtik were in Mexico City judging this past week. Not to worry, my friends, they made time for sightseeing and great fun! Safe travels home.

Congratulations to Alan Hargrave for being approved for the kidney transplant list! Alan has demonstrated true determination in his journey, not allowing his condition to “cramp his style” any more than necessary. He says he looks forward to even more freedom post-transplant. We are all pulling for you, Alan!

Happy Anniversary to Doug and Michaelanne Johnson and Tony Vacha and Courtney Kniola.  Best wishes for many more fantastic years ahead.

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week include: Amiko Allen, David Salcido, Susan Patterson, Alicia Morrison Jones, Marina Rose, Andrea McIlwaine, Nicole Munneke and Mareth Kipp. May your next trip around the sun be everything hope for!

This week I leave you with words of wisdom from fancier and cancer survivor Michelle Michael who returns from her Cape Cod trip for her six-month oncology check-up:

Once you get on this ride, you cannot get off it for a while. You just have to keep pedaling!

Be safe out there, my friends! Hug your canines and tell your loved ones how much you love them! I will see you down the road. Until next time…

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