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OFA Board of Directors Commits $75,000 In New Canine Health Research Grant Funding

Columbia, Missouri, Monday, November 11, 2013 – At its Annual Meeting the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) Board of Directors approved $75,000 in new canine health research grant sponsorships. The funding will be directed through approved grants at the AKC Canine Health Foundation (AKC CHF) and the Morris Animal Foundation (MAF). The grants representing a broad spectrum of research, and leading academic and research institutions include:

  • “Defining the Mechanism of Severe, Life Threatening Bleeding Disorders in Dogs”, Iowa State University
  • “Defining the Genetic Basis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease”, Royal Veterinary College, University of London, UK
  • “Profiling the Metabolic and Lipid Imbalances that are Causative of Gallbladder Disease in Dogs”, North Carolina State University
  • “Mapping of Genetic Risk Factors for Canine Hip Dysplasia, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • “Identification of the Genetic Cause of Corneal Ulcers”, North Carolina State University
  • “Emergence of Pigmentary Uveitis as a Potential Cause of Cataracts and Glaucoma”, Purdue University
  • “Abnormalities in the Stomach’s Ability to Contract Predisposes Large Breed Dogs to Bloat”, Michigan State University
  • “Evaluating the Complex Genetic Basis of Bloat”, Tufts University
  • “Determining How Overexpression of miR9 Helps Osteosarcoma Spread”, Ohio State University
  • “Identifying Genetic Mutations That Cause Extrahepatic Portosystemic Shunts In Dogs”, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

In addition to the grants listed above, the OFA contributes throughout the year through other programs such as DNA Banking for future canine health research, our endowed veterinary student scholarships at the University of Missouri, regular contributions to the ACVO Vision for Animals Foundation, and most recently our full sponsorship of an AKC Pet Disaster Relief Trailer.

These grants and programs total over $150,000 in 2013 direct support of the OFA’s mission to improve the health and well being of companion animals through a reduction in the incidence of genetic disease.

For more information please visit the OFA website at


Eddie Dziuk

OFA, Columbia, MO

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