Dog Show Superintendents Association Holds Annual Meeting
The Dog Show Superintendent’s Association (DSSA) annual meeting was held December 6, 2017 at the AKC Raleigh, NC offices. The following members were present: President Bob Christiansen, (MB-F Dog Shows); Secretary-Treasurer, Becky Sumner, Sheila Raymond (BaRay Event Services); Dale Neukom (Roy Jones Dog Shows); Tim James, (Onofrio Dog Shows), Ed Smizer (Rau Dog Shows), and John Bradshaw (Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows). Doug Ljungren, Glenn Lycan and Alan Slay represented the American Kennel Club.
Glenn Lycan presented updates on current statistics for AKC dog and litter registrations, conformation entries, and Club Development Outreach. AKC shared research indicating the need for exhibitors to achieve in order to stay in the sport. A new Achiever Dog and Puppy of Achievement program was presented.
Other AKC initiatives were discussed including welcome emails to exhibitors who have never titled a dog, Jr. Show recognition and allowing FSS breeds, club customized email blasts for Specialty shows, AKC website videos, Multi-Sport events, Trick Dog, Scent Work, Barn Hunt, Dock Diving, and Fast Cat.
Alan Slay presented upcoming enhancements to the AKC website to make event information more accessible and Doug Ljungren reviewed a detailed study “Preserving the Value of Our Canine Companions Companions: The Evolution of Dog Sports & Activities”
In the separate DSSA meeting there was discussion on the future of the sport and new initiatives were decided for the DSSA to make more positive contributions to the sport. The following officers were elected for 2017: President, Bob Christianesn (MB-F), Secretary/Treasurer, Becky Sumner (BaRay Event Services), and Ed Smizer (Rau Dog Shows) was elected for a new three-year term to the Executive Committee seat expiring in 2020.
Formed in 2002, the Dog Show Superintendents Association represents professional AKC licensed superintendents in all important matters impacting superintendents and the Dog Fancy. The DSSA is a group of Professional Superintendents that represents well over 100 years of experience in providing support service s to the AKC, show giving clubs and dog show exhibitors.
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